Looking for battery options now that Diehard Platinums are discontinued

Burb One

Anyone find any good options?

After two months, my brand new Optima bluetop deep cycle looks to be defective (quickly drops to 12.5 with no load and 12.2 with a slight load). Amazon's awesome customer service refunded me, no questions asked, so now I am in the market for a new deep cycle battery.

The OE size for the aux location is 34/78, but I am at a lost for brands. I heard great things about the Diehard Platinum, as people mentioned, but they seem to be discontinued or out of stock at my local and online Sears.....



Group 27F in our '10 runner

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I have a die-hard advanced gold AGM 34 after my Odyssey finally died. So far it's been a top! Not quite the same battery as the platinum but an awesome unit none the less


Did you have to change your oem negative and positive clamps??

I am about to purchase a NorthStar NSB-AGM-31 Battery.


Does anyone know anything about it?

battery your looking at has posts on opposite sides as the 4runner. Youll have to extend or swap your cables.

27f Fits perfect. Worked excellent all winter with below zero temps, runs our ARB fridge regularly

tray to fit under it:




So you are saying that you have a single battery setup running a 27f battery? How long did you run the fridge for without starting the vehicle?

Never pushed the limits. 2 days of desert camping in one spot. Startup w/o issue post.


FWIW I had the same internal debate a month or so ago whenever I was installing a dual battery setup. I was sold on the DHP's till they stopped being sold. And even before they were discontinued, they were still asking $250 for them which at that point i might as well have bought Odysseys. However, after looking through the options and comparing the price points I ended up sticking to an optima red top and yellow top. Why? Firstly, I bought mine at Advance Auto Parts, and should I need to warranty them I can walk into any Advance and swap it out if I'm still under warranty. I've got a Batteries Plus up here where I could get an X2, but they're not nearly as common. Also, I was able to price match from Amazon, so I got each battery for around $150 each. That's cheaper than most of the comparable batteries at that range. Now quality-wise I am aware of a number of folks that have had problems with them. This in my mind was reconciled with the fact that the guys tha tI have personal relationships with have them (new ones, not the old US ones) and haven't had any problems so far (not to knock other's negative experience, but I put more value into experiences that I have seen with my own eyes). Plus, with a dual battery setup, should something happen to the starter I'm able to be self-reliant on getting home by jumping from my secondary battery.
I used Exide Battery in my car and it works well for last 4 years. I get the my car serviced time to time and clean battery terminals.
exide car battery in my car.jpg


I'm done with Sears. Sad to see such an American institution turn to ****. My DHP group 31M died after 34 months. It had a 36 month warranty, but two months after I purchased one, it failed, so they gave me a replacement with a 34 month warranty, which just expired. Today the guy at the counter crossed his arms and said "Its out of warranty." Not even "sorry", much less offer any sort of courtesy discount. It was a $300 battery!

Anyway, I went with the X2. Cost $296 out the door. https://www.batteriesplus.com/productdetails/sli27fagmdp
A 5 year warranty will most definitely get used here in AZ, since most of my batteries don't see 4 years. I'll report back after the next presidential election cycle.


For what it's worth, I worked in the battery industry for 5 years. I could have bought any brand at a deeply discounted price that I wanted, I chose Odysseys for my dual battery setup. They simply are the best AGM deep cycle battery on the market. I must say though that the Northstar's/X2 are a very impressive close second!

4.5 now years and still going strong!



New member
I just picked up a Northstar x2 24f because they didn't carry the 27f and I needed it quick. Was this a mistake since the truck calls for a 27f? The 24f Northstar far exceeds the recommended cold crank amps recommended for the truck and that of the previous cheapo 27f that was in there before.


Surprisingly the duracell brand is made by east Penn and they are cheap for now. I got a group 31 for around 120 or so. I had a lot of issues with optimas so I gave up on them.

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I just picked up a Northstar x2 24f because they didn't carry the 27f and I needed it quick. Was this a mistake since the truck calls for a 27f? The 24f Northstar far exceeds the recommended cold crank amps recommended for the truck and that of the previous cheapo 27f that was in there before.

It will work just fine. :smiley_drive:

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