Longitude expedition "Drive Around The World" vehicle #1 disco2

The Rover Shop

This is another truck I found a while ago and simply had to have it. This is vehicle number 1 driven by the famed Nick Baggarly ( http://drivearoundtheworld.org/directors/bod_nick.htm ) as far a Land Rover history and expedition travel is concerned I think this is as close as we can get to a modern day camel trophy vehicle.. This vehicle was also a participant in the famous (but well hushed ) Mobil1 hoax/coverup.. You can research that one for yourself..:) this truck is in remarkably good shape for the punishment I am sure it endured. I have the original seat covers with the logo in them as well.. Unfortunately a previous owner removed the Hannibal roof rack and tent as it wouldn't fit into his garage, and it has been long lost..(would love to find it if anyone has any info on it.:)) it is also missing the original wheels but I recently purchased a set and am in the process of having them painted and the correct Tyres installed. Vehicle also has all of its original stickers still intact also.. I believe there were a total of either 6 or 8 of these vehicles produced but only 4 were involved in the expedition itself, the others were promotional vehicles. I know where 2 more of these vehicles are but not sure of the rest





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The Rover Shop

I just remembered I had already started a link on this truck a little while ago.. Moderators please feel free to delete this thread if necessary..although I do think the heading of this one is better..:)..


New member
The Longitude truck that was signed by the Dalai Lama is owned by Land Rover and is used in their experience school in Asheville. It was on display at Expo East last year. It is vehicle number #3 and the original hood is on the vehicle with his note and signature. James Cameron also signed the hood on the left side. I am the owner of vehicle #2 and it is unfortunately currently for sale also. For anyone interested in the Longitude Expedition / Drive around The World please let me know, I have acquired a lot of information about the trip. Thanks.

The Rover Shop

That's the big question, I think Eric has a reserve on his #2 vehicle lower than my reserve on #1 vehicle. Would really love to see Land Rover buy them and put them in their collection... These vehicles are more rare than camel trophy trucks and just look at the prices they are demanding..

The Rover Shop

Since I still have this truck..(I am kinda hesitant to get rid of it) I decided today to put the correct wheels on it...since I have had a new set sitting in the warehouse for a year or so now..:).. Painted the new steel wheels today...was kinda fun getting back into painting..will post pics tomorrow..

The Rover Shop

These are a new set of the original wheels...they come in black so I matched the colour and painted all 5... Still had one of the original wheels on the spare...
Been baking out in the sun for a couple of days now so I will have the Tyres swapped over..

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