Long time Lurker


Hi All,

I am on this sight daily as well as ADVrider. I have several outfitted rigs that are fully capable expo plat-forms. While getting my Van worked on and the top installed at Sportsmobile, I seen the Disabled explorer rig there.
I am in the Army and am currently deployed again in A-Stan. This trip has been really bad and I have again suffered the loss of a few friends. I have been hit with an IED and caught up in Small arms fights with RPGs ect. About 2 months ago I was in very close proxcimity to a large explosion, and I have (memory loss) mild TBI. I am very blessed and have dodged the bullet about 12 times on this deployment. I dont have a lift or any special equipment, but I would like to envite or help out with a trip if I can when I get home. I have a New F350 4x4 Pickup, E350 4x4 Van, Pinzgauer,SB tent trailer, and 2 jeeps, so I should be able to get something going. I will be able to do day or a weekend trip, Or I can tag along for support.I feel like God has left me unharmed threw all of this for a reason, and I would really like to give something back. I well be back sometime in April and should be ready to go soon after. I am located in seattle and will travel up to 3-400 miles.:smiley_drive:
I hope I can help out anyway I can.



Welcome to the board. I think you will find a great many members here who would be happy to have you along.




Thanks alot chris, I just found out I might be going back to Iraq 7 months after I get home.....So I am going to Pack in as much ADV as I can before I push back out again. Hope to meet some of yall soon.:victory:


hey bud whats your home duty station? I am out of Fort Carson, half of our division is in Iraq, half in 'Stan. Anyways if you are from Carson, we should link up when we get back bro! I know a great camping location somewhat close to post!



I am stationed a ft lewis WA. I am trying to get stationed at carson for my final stop before retiring. I have about 3 months left here till I can return to my life. Are you heading this way?


I am stationed a ft lewis WA. I am trying to get stationed at carson for my final stop before retiring. I have about 3 months left here till I can return to my life. Are you heading this way?

im deployed now, but got a while before i get back to carson from this deployment. once back im trying to PCS to Georgia. if you get to carson, hit me up i have a few great camping and adventuring areas for you to check out.

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