List your concerns as a disabled camper


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Since this is the only place with a dedicated subforum for disabled backcountry overlanders I figured I would start a thread to be a resource for folks searching the web.
I will also be posting this question on a number of disabled focused forums but past efforts haven't turned up much so maybe we can learn more here. I will post up (with the authors permission) any cool info learned.

First off as a below the knee amuptee I admit I am very high functioning and by wearing pants I can "hide" my fake leg. I only use a cane when walking long distances or over really rough ground or if I am standing for a long time. Also my mood, if I feel like hassling with a cane or not.

I know there a quiet a few people here that range from just needing a cane as they have gotten older to full wheelchair users. Lots of good info out there I am sure.

For problems I have found 2 big ones:
1) Potty
PETT is unstable and so I found a folding hospital style portable toliet that I ordered (a couple of months ago but backordered). I have to take off my leg usually to squat and balance is tough

2) Shower
Again I have to take off my leg to shower which either means sitting or a standing wobble. I plan to try using the folding toilet to help with this.

I am looking forward to hearing other folks concerns as it will help Disabled Explorers look for solutions, allow new folks to read on creative ideas and make for some funny commentary.


Lance, glad to see this post. as far as my limitations up until christmas eve 2 years ago I felt I had none. After an at work injury and a finding out I have rheumatoid Arthritis I am currently two weeks post TKR surgury. While I feel like I will recover well (staying positive) I never even thought about mobility issues until it hit me. It is mentally devestating to lose mobility. Anyways moving on, one of the biggest issues I have had while trying to camp is getting down onto my knees for tents or back up into pick-up bed, this should improve however, also I currently do not have a RTT but I am looking into one and I am concerned about the ladder. Is it sturdy, is it wide enough, is it easy to deploy? I am just now starting to get back out and about so as I come across other potential or confirmed issues I will update. Thanks


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
No one really thinks about mobilty issues until they have to deal with it themselves or with a friend...which is perfectly normal.

RA is tough and I hope you get better, try all the tips and tricks you can find till you see what works for you.

I also have a ton of trouble going from ground level...a tent and cot might work for you.
I have seen a number of RTT on truck beds and they work well.
Keep us posted on your efforts at a solution so others can learn.
If I think of anything I will throw it into this thread.


Thanks for the positive support, on a side note do you have affiliates in So-cal as far as your organization (disabled explorers) I'd be interested in helping out in the so-cal area so let me know.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Well Disabled Explorers is mainly just me and lots of people who help here and there. And most of those people are here on Expo.
At first the idea was to grow and there was a ton of pull within the industry and interest all around. But growth requires money, tons of time, and a clear plan....not to mention alot of trail by error :)
Jerry 1leg is a super cool dude in San Diego is really the first of an Ambassador concept I have been playing with. The idea is that disabled guys who are already out there having a blast would be contact points & mentors in their area. I would like to see the Ambassadors take Overland Training with the ultimate goal of being Overland Cert which means having your Wilderness First Aid & Ham, both very important things.

I will say that after trying the fast growth route and learning some hard lessons I feel much better about slow growth and focusing on inspiring others and helping folks who contact me.

I would like to get more info from the guys who are already out there and put them on the website to show the newly disabled all the possiblities!

Oh and on a cool note Jerry has an article about him & his rig in the current issue of JPFreak Adventure mag, search for the thread here on expo!

Thanks for your offer of help and watch for a pm from me to gather your contact info and some other details so I can add you to the files.


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003

There is a fair sized group of Expo members in the San Diego area. My only disability is I'm getting old & have assisted Lance over the years. Give a holler if you need some support.



2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I highly recommend running around with Al especially if he is going south towards Baja or pretty much anywhere out of town.

Al it is funny as I thought of you with your sleep in back setup but I couldn't tell what rig Corona was driving....not matter what though checking out your setup is worth it for anyone. Oh and I didn't mean to leave you out of direct mention Al, I just was thinking of disabled folks vs folks who have been super helpful.


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003
I highly recommend running around with Al especially if he is going south towards Baja or pretty much anywhere out of town.

Al it is funny as I thought of you with your sleep in back setup but I couldn't tell what rig Corona was driving....not matter what though checking out your setup is worth it for anyone. Oh and I didn't mean to leave you out of direct mention Al, I just was thinking of disabled folks vs folks who have been super helpful.

That's quite understandable, I prefer low profile anyway. ;)


Since this is the only place with a dedicated subforum for disabled backcountry overlanders I figured I would start a thread to be a resource for folks searching the web.
I will also be posting this question on a number of disabled focused forums but past efforts haven't turned up much so maybe we can learn more here. I will post up (with the authors permission) any cool info learned.

First off as a below the knee amuptee I admit I am very high functioning and by wearing pants I can "hide" my fake leg. I only use a cane when walking long distances or over really rough ground or if I am standing for a long time. Also my mood, if I feel like hassling with a cane or not.

I know there a quiet a few people here that range from just needing a cane as they have gotten older to full wheelchair users. Lots of good info out there I am sure.

For problems I have found 2 big ones:
1) Potty
PETT is unstable and so I found a folding hospital style portable toliet that I ordered (a couple of months ago but backordered). I have to take off my leg usually to squat and balance is tough

2) Shower
Again I have to take off my leg to shower which either means sitting or a standing wobble. I plan to try using the folding toilet to help with this.

I am looking forward to hearing other folks concerns as it will help Disabled Explorers look for solutions, allow new folks to read on creative ideas and make for some funny commentary.

I have Muscular Dystrophy which is progressive weakness. In addition to the potty and shower, I need POWER. I use a respirator at night (~20-30 amphour draw per night) and would need to charge my chair on extended outings (more than 2-3 days). I plan on getting a series of 3 75 ah house batteries and charging system.

For showering, I think it would be a sponge bath for me.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
I have Muscular Dystrophy which is progressive weakness. In addition to the potty and shower, I need POWER. I use a respirator at night (~20-30 amphour draw per night) and would need to charge my chair on extended outings (more than 2-3 days). I plan on getting a series of 3 75 ah house batteries and charging system.

For showering, I think it would be a sponge bath for me.

The guys at Adventure Trailers are great at setting up solar/battery setups and regardless of what you get for a rig I would talk to them.
If you go with a Sportsmobile scratch build of course you can setup it up from the get go.
Just as a heads up on the Sportsmobile, since they have a sink, fridge, potty and whatnot they are classed as RV's which means you can do a longer term loan, cheaper insurance and a 2nd home tax deduction. I am still learning all this since it is the only way I can afford one :)

Oh and on the sponge shower there is nothing wrong with that as it conserves water and heating fuel.

Another route might be if you have a decent vehicle right now that will go some of the places you want then look at Adventure Trailers new folding Trailer the Oasis. That would give you a camp setup where you could sleep, take care of hygiene and change clothes. Of course only you can figure out what really works best but better to know the options.

As you encounter issues or solutions please post them up for others to learn from.

And keep us posted on your adventures.


Since I've become a below the knee amp, I just continue to do the same old as much as possible. The only thing that's really different is that it's tough to poop w/o sitting on a log, rock etc. If I don't have a natural support, I need to remove my pants. I know I could bring a toilet setup of some sort but nature's props are usually good enough.

The Adam Blaster

Expedition Leader
Well, my injury isn't below the waist, so I don't have mobility issues.
With a paralysed right arm, my main concern is with maintenance/breakages/getting stuck in an area that I would have to do the work myself.
I would always travel with my wife, so the extra hands help - to a point.

I've been thinking a lot lately about changing a tire in the field.
I recently changed over my all seasons to my winter tires on my Durango. I did this in my nice flat and clean driveway.
It was a massive pain trying to line up the lugs with the holes in the wheel.
I've got an idea for an assistive device that would make it easier, it might be of interest to others???


camping issues

Being a below knee amputee, I can get around quite well, albeit a little unstable at times. Bathroom is the biggest issue- I have a pett still in the wrapper- a little discouraged to hear its limitations for amputee use. I have a vacuum assisted prothesis that requires a nightly recharge- I have dual batteries in my fj60 that would be up to the task- the charge takes about an hour. I really want to go with a roof top tent insted of ground tent. Setting up being the biggest obstacle.


2007 Expedition Trophy Champion, Overland Certifie
Hey Smoky (not sure of your real name)

I am a bka also, but I use a silicon sleeve & pin...tried the vac and didn't like it.

I got rid of my PETT and went with this for $40

toss the bucket part, sew in a net bag and use wag bags...I have been tesing a version and will snap a pic thing is it folds flat and is hgt adjustable

As an amputee I loved using a roof top tent, gave me a place to sit on the edge...
Until you get one a cot is a good option I found and a hammock works really well when I camp with Boy Scouts.

Great to have you around!! It helps inspire the newbies

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