Just getting started! FL to WA and as many trails as we can travel in between.


Tree top flyer
We drove through RMNP and into Estes Park for lunch and to buy a new pair of hiking boots from The Warming House.....Hiking boot specialists for a long time and still as good as ever. RMNP was really busy and Bear Lake was closed due to reaching capacity by 10:30 AM. We drove out to see the Rock Church/St Malo’s Chappel. We drove back into RMNP and for my first time.... drove the “old road” back to the mid point visitors center. :giggle: Old Fall River Road was great, some views you can’t get from anywhere else and a nice respite from the bumper to bumper typical tourist traffic.....at least for part of the RMNP drive through. We stopped at Lake Irene and old dude ranch site in the southern valley too. ACA53DBB-6B95-4467-86DB-F8FC09D98819.jpeg6E4EA550-35AA-40CE-BE30-552C7546B1AA.jpeg40C13F2B-2DC3-468F-B9A2-7F75A09AE23F.jpegE3D9E111-117C-4B32-9894-03C402314B39.jpegAF2E0B46-F634-4C4B-A5A6-E1B8A3798D5D.jpegBAE988DB-B485-4ED4-90D0-59B26703A660.jpeg7D28AE71-9F7F-4DE0-8A15-DD995BA11626.jpeg
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Tree top flyer
Buffalo Pass was great! Some rough spots but nothing an all wheel drive car couldn’t handle. There’s lots of off road and off psite things to do within a couple hour drive or less from Steamboat. We can definitely see the potential in having a place here for the summertime. :)
There’s a nice Forest Service campground with the lake in the picture near an intersection and trailhead at the top. You can drive another 5-15 miles or more on trails and forest service roads from the top too. (y)


Tree top flyer
From Buffalo Pass we headed to Craig Co. Not much adventure but we washed the truck off and the Craig KOA had a great laundry and hot showers.

Here’s a few more pics from Buffalo Pass and a few from the Teton’s and Yellowstone. The Teton’s were magnificent and Yellowstone surprisingly good despite the crowds.


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