How do you get your dog in and out of your RTT?


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Hum... this is something that's been holding me back from the RTT thing to be honest. 70lb lab who freaks out if you try to pick her up has made me wonder how we could do a RTT with her. Also, having to let her out to pee at night would be way more complicated then just unzipping the tent and letting her out.

I'm very interested to see what people do with dogs who use RTTs.

Jack Stilts

Subaru Ambassador
Don't have a Land Cruiser, but I convert the backseat into his bedroom. Blankets, pillows, and a dog bed. He's a little spoiled...

I climb up into the RTT, he knows where I am, and he sleeps without a peep.


I have a large Newfoundland and plan to get another. The RTT was purchased largely due to this. In some areas where I'd rather not have my dogs outside to sleep whether it be due to wildlife, ferocious bugs, torrential rain etc they can sleep inside the vehicle. Even with one newf theres not enough room for me and my wife inside too. Sleep up top and let the dog sleep inside the vehicle. A dog that weighs more than 20lbs in a RTT is a disaster waiting to happen.


perpetually lost

thats how I got our 70lb lab/rot mix into our RTT. (80 series + 2" OME, required a ladder extension) She didnt like the trip up (neither of us liked the trip down the next morning) she is too old now to be manhandled like that though so she is either in the back, or under the vehicle on a tie out.

Now the tent is on a trailer and much lower to the ground. its not any higher than the tailgate. I could pick her up and set her right inside; but, she hates being picked up and really fights coming out, she would rather jump, which I wont let her do.


If you can do it safely and the dog and you are happy then go for it. For me climbing seven feet up and down a flimsy ladder with 120 lbs for my one newf and my last being 170 lbs while the next will be likely in the 180 lbs range I generally avoid lifting them all together. I also tend to bring the RTT if my wife is with me so no room for a dog up there. If it's just me then I'll leave the RTT at home and enjoy the lower centre of gravity while sleeping in a tent or inside my rig.

A dog is a pack animal that understands ranks. You are after all the alpha. They feed off of direction and order. Being a pack animal they will like to be nearby you at all times, especially in foreign environments. Sleeping under you whether it be in the vehicle or under it allows the dog to be nearby and feel like they are protecting you while providing a solid sense of rank. All my dogs in the past have been content with this arrangement but given the chance around a tent will cuddle in pretty tight. I suppose if you can get your dog in your RTT and both of you are happy with the method used go for it but if thats not an option I see nothing wrong with what I have suggested.


Expedition Leader
I let mine do his front legs and I do the rear for him, he's 63 lbs but really only lift his rear about 2 ft before he's got his front on the bed.

Weimies don't sleep alone !



My 55 pound Aussie loves my RTT. Sleeps next to me or at my feet all the time without a problem. He knows what to do at bedtime, so he hangs out near the ladder so I can pick him up and pass him through the door into the tent. By the time I get up there, he's in place ready for bed. That being said, I have a Frontier with the RTT mounted 4" above the bed.


This has been a concern of mine for sometime as well! We have a Vizsla and they do not sleep alone! After this last weekend out with a friend who has a RTT and getting a look at the unit I think we'll manage just fine!


Ha ha.. my dog would come unglued if she couldn't sleep between us camping! It would be total betrayal in her eyes.


New member
Hi everyone! Thank you all for comments. This thread was intended for positive and creative postings. It was not to be a discussion on if a dog should or should not be allowed in your tent. If you have nothing positive please don't post.

Btw more postings of Expo Dogs would be cool!!!!

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