GSI Enamelware

Thinking about getting a full set of their pioneer enamelware. I love the look and when I was a kid we used it. Not sure if i'm being nostalgic or what but I cant stop thinking about them. Are they any good? enamel ware is old tech is there better stuff out there. I currently run a set of elcheap first house style plastic paltes and they work but I want something nicer.


Rendezvous Conspirator
I have inherited an old-school set of enamelware, and it's nostalgic and pretty, but it suffers the same basic problem for all metal plates and bowls: It conducts heat too well, so it tends to suck the heat out of the food and can be hard to hold if you've loaded it up with hot stuff. I've come to really dislike having that window where the plate is too hot to comfortably hold if you're not eating at a table, followed by a short window where everything is fine, followed by the plate (and food) being cold.

I've since switched back to REI plastic deep-dish plates and a plastic nested mug/bowl set.


Asked for alternatives - I went the higher tech route, but is also very light. This makes it easier to load/unload the vehicle.

I have the GSI Infinity for plates, bowls, cups and the GSI Pinnacle Base Camper cook set... they fit into my Dosko Campmate perfectly and are easy to clean.
The cookware is fantastic, IMHO. I plan to do a video of the setup sometime - a few have asked about it.


the problem I have with enamel ware is that it chips, eventually. the problem I have with plastic is, well it's plastic, yuck. I like stainless, just put a towel under it, if you a afraid of the heat. btw this also help to keep the heat in the food. highdesertranger


I have a set of Wal Mart enamelware and the first time we used it, it got chips in the enamel on most of the pieces. I don't know if the GSI has a thicker coating or not.


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