Got a Gen 1 LWB, what now?


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
I guess i should have typed that differently. Neither, gave it to a family member in need. I should have kept the wheels and tires though, I haven't even paid for those wheels yet but it's a delicate situation so i'd rather not fuss about it. All these things can be replaced.


Oh you are a good man Toasty! Yeah it sounded kind of bad, I hope whatever situation was it it works out for the best, keep us posted if you get another gen 1 or whatever project you work on, you are one hell of a Craftsman!


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Thanks, yeah i just need to find an excuse to buy another Montero. Like "Hey! look at that Montero for sale!" or the fact that i only own 2 right now and one is a parts truck. I'll be updating my '99 build thread soonish, i want to do a really legit restomod still though.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Interesting turn of events, the Gen 1 is back but now with a hole in the oil pan. Came apart internally, no idea why but this thing only has 117k miles, didn't leak a drop of oil and ran fantastic (quiet too). Not sure it's fate as of now, bigger fish to fry.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Well, depends on what she want's to do with it. She's got no money to fix it and when she does it would be best to just get something with a warranty and service plan. We'll see what happens with this one, maybe it'll go to my crouton he's coming up on driving age. Would definitely be cool with some swappage.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
I'd love a 6B31 to go modern Mitsu or 1UZ to be silly, but I don't know. It's still not my truck anymore.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Looks like I'm going to be fixing this, I have a 6G73 shortblock but I think a Toy V8 and 5 speed auto would be better.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
Inc.X, I'll let you know because that could be a game changer. The one i have has never been known to run.


I've run this one, it's sohc 24v and i think i've got most everything to make it swap in, I need space but i dont want to scrap it, been hoping someone would need or want it.


Looking for that thing i just had in my hand...
The 1UZ runs pretty strong and pulls nicely thrugh all gears, got the car all cleaned up and polished too. I want it to look nice for when i tear it down, here's a video of it running with open headers.

Here's the trashed flex joint, this is why the car was so cheap.


The car actually cleaned up nicely, hopefully none of my neighbors will report it as an abandoned vehicle now. Ha ha ha!

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