Go big or go home:


Active member
We're not using decking screws for the framing. The screws we are using seem to bend without breaking- we haven't broken any of them.

The Locktite PL Premium Fast Grab urethane construction adhesive says it even works on wet/frozen lumber. That said, we are watching the temperature and humidity carefully, we have kept the lumber stacked inside to keep it dry, and we keep the project covered with a tarp outside when we're not working on it, to protect it from moisture at night. The bonds seem really strong.

1.5" Kitchen and 2" bath drains will go in concurrent with the insulation, and then we close it up. We have some penetrations of the floor planned, but we need to wait to drill them until the walls are up.

I'm sure you will be fine with the adhesive. It staggers me how strong and consistent they are nowadays.


New member
I love the MTVRs. Beasts. I have spent what seems like a lifetime keeping these things running. The only real area to have any issues was the CTIS system. The seals in the wheels were problematic. I was Quality Control for vehicle maintenance in TQ (AL Taqqadum) in Iraq for over 7 years. I plan on building one also in the near future.

Deleted member 9101

The Locktite PL Premium Fast Grab urethane construction adhesive says it even works on wet/frozen lumber.

IIRC it needs moisture to cure...hence it working on wet/frozen lumber. I just went through a case of it applying a stone veneer to the front of my house. It's good stuff...but miserable if you get any on you and it dries...haha.


Well-known member
IIRC it needs moisture to cure...hence it working on wet/frozen lumber. I just went through a case of it applying a stone veneer to the front of my house. It's good stuff...but miserable if you get any on you and it dries...haha.

That's what the belt sander is for.

Just kidding- I use green 3M scratchy pads to get it off my skin.

It is amazing stuff...


Well-known member
Yesterday we framed the last wall. We have all the walls, the roof, and the drawbridge all stacked laying down on the floor under a heavy duty tarp until today's rain passes.

We hope to be able to erect it this weekend.


New member
Yes more pics please :)

I have been dreaming about using this same platform (or the extended mk27) for quite some time now. I am looking forward to your build!


Well-known member
The MK27 would be nice too, but I don't know when we're going to start seeing them go to auction...


Well-known member
Here is the floor, flipped right side up.

The additional reinforcements in the floor for our Japanese Ofuro soaking tub is visible in the left front corner, as well as the 1.5" drain plumbing for our kitchen and bathroom.

In the right front corner, is the floor reinforcement for our custom-made 600-pound gun safe.

Our front door will be right between them.20200806_134453.jpg


Active member
It's a little harder to post pictures here, because I gotta resize every single one, but I'll try to get on that...
Yes i onow what u mean. It was the reason i was so slow posting my own build. I have gotten around that now though.

I have turned my phone camera down to its minimum specs which is still better than the best specs 5 years ago lol and now just attach all pics direct from my phone to the forum . Well 85 percent of pics as some still come out too big.

Has saved me a heap of hassle and agro having 2 copies if ever pic lol


Well-known member
Here is the floor, with the 4x8 beam across the back for mounting our full-width drawbridge hinge. In this pic we have started installing the 3.5" thick polyiso rigid foam board insulation with an R-value of 24.20200806_135040.jpg
Pics are easy to post and resize. One you insert an image just click on the picture and grab the bottom right hand corner. Move the corner diagonally. You can resize and still maintain aspect ratio.

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