Favorite Multi-tool


New member
It is hard to remember what life was like before the invention of the multi-tool. I had one of the original Leatherman tools. Then I bought the Gerber due to the slide out one handed use pliers. I really loved my Gerber, but it has given up the fight and I am in the market for a new multi-tool. Which tool do you prefer?

Thank You


Hmm. I carry a Leatherman in my truck, but I very rarely use it! I usually forget it's there and go to the tool drawer for something bigger. :D

But when I do use it I do like the leatherman. Never used a Gerber.


+ d

i'm somewhat partial to the leatherman wave just because i am so used to it. i think the crunch, vicegrip style, is kind of interesting because i mostly use the blade and the pliers on my wave anyway. like graham i tend to reach for the real tools if its anything more

(Gerber has got some ************ tools though, especially the multi tool with the C4 puncher and blasting cap crimper, and then there is the automatic pliers...)


Expedition Leader
I used to carry one for years, but now I only carry one on paddling trips. I just carry a Benchmade folder with half serated edge, a sharpie, and a lighter. If I need more then that I'm probably screwed anyway without parts LOL!

I used to carry a small leatherman. It held up well overall but reguired alot of cleaning because of all the folding stuff tends to trap sand and debris. That's why the one I use in my canoe bag stays in it's own Aloksak bag.


Expedition Leader
I carry a Leatherman in my truck, but like Graham, I usually forget that it is there and grab the tool I need from my tool kit.


2005, 2006 Tech Course Champion: Expedition Trophy
I've found the multi-tools invaluabe around the house and on trips. I carry one everywhere.
I originally had a Gerber: very comfortable in the hand, excellent quality, good selection of tools for my needs.
Someone gave me a Coleman: POS...don't waste your time.
My BIL has a nice Victorinox Spirit. I tried it out and was hooked. That's now my primary multi-tool. Exceptional tool quality!

Ed :victory:
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Expedition Poseur
One of the first things I did when these became popular back in 1992, I banned them from the boat (the hovercraft I was responsible for maintaining). The mechanics and electricians tried to use them for EVERYTHING. They left burrs on every damn shaft they tried to hold, rounded off the corners of every bolt they tried to loosen, stretched and tore every piece of insulation they tried to strip, wallowed out screw slots, etc. They created more problems than you can imagine. There is a correct tool for every job, and "multi-tools" are never the right tool, IMO. Space is not so tight as to require I start leaving tools behind (even in my jeep). You probably don't even want to see the tool set I took on the snow run in Jerome last year.....Scott saw about 1/2 of it when we were changing out the winch on the front of his jeep before the trip....

I own one "multi-tool"...a leatherman squirt (midget version of the leatherman). The only reason I have it is because I found it laying on top of a sand dune in death valley a few years ago. It was brand new then (only one or two scratches on the finish....the blades/tools appear unused), it looks just the same today. I keep it around because I keep telling myself that it will come in handy when backpacking....but in the end I just carry the tools I might need (knife, needle nose pliers--for pulling cholla spines out of the dog, zip ties, etc).

Brian McVickers

Staff member
I agree that there is no better tool for a job than the right tool so use of a multitool should be last resort if you have a regular set of tools close by.

That said, I have a Laetherman Wave and a Gerber. Found the Gerber on a dirt road somewhere. I think they are must haves if hiking, backpacking or any other excursion where weight and space are limited. I've used my Leatherman to dig into an outboard motor to get her running again, while floating away!, so I'd say they are useful to have around!!

The Wave has nice rounded edges that don't dig into your hand so it's probably my favorite.

The BN Guy

Expedition Leader
I have a small leatherman that I take everywhere. Everyone is always using it and it comes in handy. Don't leave home without it! Just 15$.


Expedition Portal Team, Overland Certified OC0003
My first choice of the mini tools is the Swiss Tool(Victorinox). The Leatherman Wave would be my 2nd choice & next would be the Gerber Legend. These are the best of a collection of over 30 items, Leatherman, Victorinox, Wegner, Gerber, Buck, Tool Logic etc.

Jonathan Hanson

Supporting Sponsor
I second (third?) the Swisstool Spirit. I agree you need to be careful with multitools so as not to bugger fittings, but used conscientiously they are great. Expedition Exchange has a thorough description of the Spirit and a good price.


ExPo Original
goodtimes said:
....but in the end I just carry the tools I might need (knife, needle nose pliers--for pulling cholla spines out of the dog, zip ties, etc).

Brian, I don't even know if you knew this but at the Rally the first night, Chuck and I were talking by my truck when Cherokee came up with a tennis ball size cholla stuck to the side of her face. As if her first day at the Rally wasn't traumatic enough!

Chuck used my Leatherman (my fav tool) to pull it off and the last few single spines. For a guy like me with no real cactus experience, it was something to watch Dr. Chuck go to work but you could tell the pup had been through it before. Silly girl....


Expedition Leader
kcowyo said:
Brian, I don't even know if you knew this but at the Rally the first night, Chuck and I were talking by my truck when Cherokee came up with a tennis ball size cholla stuck to the side of her face. As if her first day at the Rally wasn't traumatic enough!

Chuck used my Leatherman (my fav tool) to pull it off and the last few single spines. For a guy like me with no real cactus experience, it was something to watch Dr. Chuck go to work but you could tell the pup had been through it before. Silly girl....

Yeah, I forgot about that. I reached down to pet Cherokee and almost got a handful of cholla! It was within an inch of her eye, so I opted to go ahead and get them out right away rather than finding Brian.

By the way, I own a few leathermans, one in the car, one in my backpack. It's not uncommon to see bolt heads rounded off on my vehicles. :hehe:


Expedition Poseur
Ursidae69 said:
It's not uncommon to see bolt heads rounded off on my vehicles. :hehe:

That is exactly why I dont like them. They would be OK if people wouldn't use them inappropriately on something that I am destined to be working on in the future.

Cherokee has been through the "cholla drill" many times. You think she would eventually learn....she doesn't. I have pretty much stopped taking her hiking in the lower elevations where cholla has a good habitat. If it is around, she will find it and I will end up pulling it out of her.

BTW--thanks for taking care of that for me. I'm sure cherokee appreciated it too.....

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