Expovans.com - new venture for mgmetalworks


After many years of working on these vans, I've become obsessed with this line of work. It's fun, challenging and rewarding to design and build parts for these vehicles and the time has come to step it up a few notches.

Enter ExpoVans.com

We've been working for months on a new website that details out our future. MG Metalworks has been a great little company for me and it will remain a small, design & manufacturing consulting firm on the side. However, I felt that we needed some new branding and a more set direction if we were to continue to progress in the van industry.

As you'll see in the new website, we're goin' for it! We'll continue to design and develop innovative, high quality parts for the E-series and the new Transits but we'll also be incorporating our product line into full turn-key builds.

I've assembled a small but capable team to help churn out work and as we grow, I'll certainly add to the team as needed. We already have several customer builds in the planning stages and products being prototyped at a pretty fast pace. I'll release more details about products as they come up.

This has been such a welcoming and supportive community and I'm honored to have helped some of you on your vans. I hope to help many more van-obsessed folks as we forge this new path!

The cat's out of bag now! Wish us luck!


All the best. You have done some impressive projects. I am sure there will be a lot of interest.

Transmission upgrades and Ecoboost swaps sound very exciting.


Some sort of lost...
Yes! Now get some business cards for me to keep in the van. ;) It never fails, if I'm on an important phone call in the van (only place I get peace and quiet from the kids) someone comes up and wants to ask a million questions.


New member
First Post. Can't wait to share my build thread with the Expovans conversion. 6" kit and the whole experience was top notch from start to finish.



Congratulations. The site looks great. Not to mention I really want to pick up a Transit but have been waiting to see what you come up with. I'll be following closely for that 4x4 conversion to come out!


Congrats Michael, nice to see the PNW entering the market....
is the pic on the bottom of the site the Smith River or somewhere around SoOR or NorCal? water color looks familiar (aka incredible)
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