expedition toilet paper


Expedition Leader
so it dawned on me we havent had a toilet paper thread have we? i mean not an expedition worthy toilet paper.

i have been searching and i cant seem to find the perfect roll, heres the criteria.

it needs to be tear resistant to stand up to the rigors of off pavement vibration, i mean who wants to wipe with a wadded up bunch of fibrous fluff?

it needs to be dust resistant, i mean we dont want to scratch up our soft parts with sand particlulates.

it needs to be moisture resistant, lets face it, we want maximum absorption and if some is lost to humidity then were not getting our moneys worth.

it needs to be earth friendly, meaning quickly bio degrades and has to be made from waste wood product, we dont need to be cutting down forest just for squares of soft paper.

and last but not least, one ply or two??


Scenic WonderRunner

You need to learn how to think outside the Bun (s)......!

Multi use baby! It's all about saving space....and taking care of Tough Jobs!!!........:ylsmoke:



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Have you heard of John Wayne TP ?

It's rough

And it's tough

And it doesn't take Sh%t from anybody :victory:
You guys need to experience Russian toilet paper, pre Soviet fall. After that, you'll be be thankful for anything from the shelves of a store in the U.S.:sombrero:

matt s

Ever seen that Law and Order where the guy keeps talking about "left hand and a bowl of water".........

On the other hand, (pun absolutely intended) good TP is a must. And yes two ply is good.


Expedition Leader
Paper !

I've gone "ethnic"

water and soap and a quick shake:26_16_2:


The little "rear" shower will be added to my UK bathroom if I ever live there again

PS they also make great shower heads for camping with the shut off valve on the head itself

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