EVs with solar


Expedition Leader
A Tesla Model 3 will get a mere 25 miles of range after 12h of charging on a 15A wall outlet you got in your house.. so if you could carry around a 2kw solar system like MTVR and his Military truck, which you cant.. and you could get 12h of full output from that solar setup, which you cant.. in 2-3 days you'd have a whopping 50-75 miles of range back, it'd take over two weeks to recharge a 400 mile vehicle with an impossibly large solar setup in an impossible solar environment.

So IRL with something you could actually carry.. hope you brought enough food for a couple months down to Mexico cuz your gonna be there for a while..

8.2kwh system in California between May-August no marine layer impacting full solar day you do between 30kwh and 50kwh - 50 being in July only.

Thats also a cool coastal location not a hot location where 20-60% hit on production due to high heat is a factor ie Mexico ?
Panels need to go 200x more efficient before you can carry enough capacity to charge a EV especially a heavy one being road tripped with reduced range.

Gas as in auto gas currently is like 300% more energy density than current high output batteries ?


Expedition Leader
A model 3 gets around 5 miles of range per hour of charging. So, 60 miles in a 12 hour period. Or full charge in 2.5 days.

And even if you got 100 miles of range in two weeks on an overlander, that would be amazing! You can spend two weeks in a location, then travel to a new one every couple of weeks and spend no money on it. That would be the most freedom one could ever expect under capitalism.

T3 gets 60 mile range in clean / low drag tire pavement speeds configuration. Figure 1/2 that in “overland” mode and tires.
I love EVs have one its awesome. But they hybrid is going to be the best system for “overlanding” the next 20yrs.


Active member
Well defining overlanding. If this overlanding is done within a Western country with some decent infrastructure, a lot of trips can already be done now.

Anyway, solar on a vehicle will never work if that vehicle is a bulky 4x4 like most of us love for overlanding. And theb having only a few weeks to do 10.000 miles or something.

Better to invest in home solar and configure your daily driver /charger to only charge directly on available solar power. This already works great.


perpetually lost
for “overlanding” the next 20yrs.

There is going to be a battery tech or some other radical new development within the next 10 years that will revolutionize transportation. It will likely come out of left field that none of us expect. Consider how quickly technology advances. There is a youtube video of someone flying around a sky park with a huge drone. This exists (or is about to exist) https://robbreport.com/motors/aviation/personal-aircraft-new-form-of-mobility-2915678/

The future is electric and it is close.

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