EMS Equipment


New member
I am looking for a conveniant way to cary my EMS gear in my backpack. I needs to be seperate and easy to pull out but i cant find any pods, bags, or inserts that will work or are cheap enough. If you have any ideas let me know.


New member
Medical Modules

Conterra makes very nice stuff and the owner is in Mountain SAR, so knows how his gear is used.

We have three distinct seasons here: hot summer, pleasant fall/spring, and cold (in the mountains, anyway) winter. Thus we all tend to have three sets of SAR gear and my medical stuff gets moved from pack to pack.

I use Conterra small organizer pockets. I find these very useful for organizing small modules.

I have a small wound kit (essentially personal medical stuff) and a SAM splint as basics. Depending on the size of pack I will carry, I add a small medications kit, an ortho kit (another SAM splint, some 3M Scotchcast, etc). If I know it is a medical call, I throw all this in a Conterra Patrol Belt pack along with a wrist BP cuff, more wound materials, an airway or two, pulse oximeter, mini 3-lead ECG, etc. For serious medical stuff all this goes into a Conterra ALS Extreme backpack along with O2, more airways, IV fluids, c-collars, etc.

If you need to carry a lot of medications, this kit from Chinook is pretty nice.


WEMT/PA-C (with no connection to Conterra or Chinook)


New member
EMS is one of the best and they supplies all kind of emergency equipment and specially for medical field. They provide all kind of equipment at the affordable price and emt gears are also available over there.
I bought the RUSH 12 backpack from 5.11 Tactical, it was on sale online for 69.99 when I bought it, and it has been great so far for what I need. It's definitely worth looking into, as it really holds everything I need not only for a search, but the basic stuff I change into when I get the call. (On call Volunteer GSAR). I have a small first aid kit placed in it, but I also re-purposed an old handcuff case off of a police duty belt into a personal first aid kit. For whatever reason, this was a huge case, and I managed to get all the basics you'd need if you got stuck in the woods alone and hurt yourself. I just put it on the webbing outside of the bag, and it works well.

I'd definitely look into getting a bag that supports some sorta webbing system, as well as one with a spot for a water pack. You don't realize how much you want one until you have one.


Check out Condor VA7 Pack Insert Tactical Utility Medic Kit Organizer.
Not one if the cheapest options but I came across this looking for the same thing to organize my gear bags and keep things accessible.

Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
5 gallon hd ziplock bags.

I like the idea of Ziplocks since they are so cheap, and you can see where everything is, but the downside is that you need to dump everything out to get to an item that is at the bottom of the bag. When you are working in dirty/muddy/snowy conditions this can result in spoiled or lost items.

You can order EMS insert packs that have clear viewing windows, and a zip that goes all the way around the pack, allowing you to grab what you need in a hurry without spilling all the contents onto the ground. Of course, any dedicated EMS pack is expensive. Your other option is to go to a place like Target and look at the same type of pouches, but sold for makeup, etc. They are heavy enough plastic to last quite a while, and yet a lot cheaper than an EMS pouch.


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