Overlandtowater’s solid axle suburban


Well-known member
Tore the bumper and skids off the front and under the front end..and I will be welding a ruff stuff winch plate in between the frame after removing the skid portion of the bumper there is no reason to keep the winch on the bumper. 20220228_221136.jpg20220302_194517.jpg20220302_234149.jpg20220303_200726.jpg


Well-known member
Also found out that a front driveshaft for a 99 Durango is the perfect fit for this application. The 1500 ram one is 4" too long. I was hoping to slide the 1500 slip yoke on the Durango shaft but no go. The d44 has 1330 joints and the Durango has 1310 joints luckily a 1330x1310 joint is readily available at all parts stores.20220416_160222.jpg20220416_160358.jpg20220416_160402.jpg20220416_160408.jpg20220416_160754.jpg20220416_162414.jpg20220416_162430.jpg


Well-known member
Got the frame rails cleaned up i actually only used one flap disc and two cutoff wheels. Modified both of the wfo frame plates and the bulge on the passenger side frame.20220416_210307.jpg20220416_210316.jpg20220416_210329.jpg20220416_225144.jpg20220416_223755.jpg20220416_230740.jpg20220416_232131.jpg20220416_232218.jpg20220418_181154.jpg


Well-known member
Drilled and welded some alignment dowl to the frame plate just to make sure the plate goes back on after I pull it off and fully weld the coil buckets to the plate.20220418_181646.jpg20220418_181648.jpg20220418_181652.jpg20220418_181759.jpg20220418_182602.jpg20220418_214835.jpg20220418_214850.jpg


Well-known member
I'm kinda hung up on how to transfer my center line from the fender io the frame so to take a break from that I decided to clean up the front bumper and gey my winch plate positioned.20220419_220209.jpg20220419_220901.jpg20220419_220909.jpg20220419_222800.jpg20220419_222902.jpg20220419_223210.jpg20220419_223214.jpg


Well-known member
I’m still at this point. I did get the center line figured out but in other news I started a lawnmower/go kart build for my boy and it’s almost done so it won’t be long before I’m back at it. Here is a teaser on the mower. CE941E28-00AB-42F3-AC40-43CB090BA4EB.jpeg8CACE1F0-0928-4998-BAD1-022CA1F6E872.jpeg


Well-known member
More on the burb. I swear I have adhd I can’t complete anything in one go. That’s about 4” higher than bump will actually be and everything clears so well you can’t say it’s not meant to be.A050A5D8-E267-4FE8-BA11-8A1FDE12210F.jpeg5F648173-94FB-4964-A2A3-A69E0B79447E.jpegDD676AA5-84F0-4B92-9DEF-72B6556EF4B7.jpegE2CAD713-5777-49B4-8452-EFC4883C6BD8.jpeg5C126712-E4B9-4396-BEEE-19411F185E6B.jpeg9970BA2A-0B91-4E5D-927F-96F826CC24D1.jpegFAD951EB-12D9-42B1-9764-2DECF762E934.jpeg4A492D29-24BC-4FE8-8CDA-A6FB35273816.jpegD118C61B-5609-491C-946A-F0C79E4389E3.jpeg


Well-known member
Fit the WFO frame plates a little better welded on the coil buckets to it and tacked the frame plates back on. Just a spoiler the locating dowels all broke off. E760959B-E61F-4883-AA6C-358F428F8514.jpeg7D238491-AD03-47BB-9949-231F07A61737.jpeg2ECF3E3D-45F4-4AF5-86C4-29AB0D00E75F.jpeg09D55BBF-1D03-4E68-825F-2877CD97E932.jpeg90FB2D0D-05D2-4402-978E-3C5D42CC8AB5.jpegE0800377-50C3-4760-8933-17DE6CFFA2F9.jpegD031DB4E-5CF5-4E0B-9C1A-F33C2D677849.jpegE938D534-1DAF-40CC-A228-577CF70FB684.jpeg

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