Overlandtowater’s solid axle suburban


Well-known member
the control Box on the other hand I went through 3 of them just garbage .
Yeah they really look well built as far as the winch the control box was like a toy....I have been looking around at solenoids online I may end up buying a warn solenoid and controller to put on it.


Well-known member
After setting the winch on the bumper I realized that I covered the bolt holes on the front with the tube when welded the channel on...time to cut it off and scoot it back 3/4 of an inch....new fabricator problems....?IMG_20210224_232036_557.jpgIMG_20210224_232036_530.jpg20210224_214150.jpg20210224_214300.jpgIMG_20210224_232036_564.jpg20210225_163319.jpgIMG_20210225_165355_389.jpg


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Someone once told me that if I needed a skid plate for the fuel tank I needed to ditch the suburban and get a jeep.....well it appears I need a skid for the tank....20210322_164018.jpg20210322_164042.jpg20210322_164253.jpg20210322_164306.jpg20210322_164351.jpg20210322_164426.jpg20210322_164529.jpg20210322_164542.jpg


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Found an axle for to use for a solid axle swap....4.10 gears and my kind of price...going to get it Thursday along with a drive shaft and the springs Screenshot_20210320-192935_Facebook.jpg


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Thursday I planned a nice easy day with my dad and boy, it was my dad's birthday and I planned on going getting the axle and stopping at a steak house along the way for his birthday supper little did we know the day that was instore for us, early in the morning I got up and changed out a popping cv axle, we hit the road and when we got about 2 hours from the house the cv noise was back I hopped under the rig and found the driver stub shaft had ejected its self, I shoved the stub in and headed back down the road. Another hour in and the noise was back but much worse, I decided to pull both axles and see if that would stop the front axle from spinning I assumed it would...when back on the highway the noise was still there, made it about 40 more minutes in the trip and the rattle turned into a roar that could only mean a wheel bearing sure enough by the time I found a parking lot big enough to investigate it had already started chunking out pretty blue roller bearings, a 4 block walk netted me a gold plated unit bearing at a cost of 200 bucks. Convinced that was the culprit I hit the highway just to hear that same rattle, did I mentioned this was a day of monsoon like rain.....
We made it to the house to pick up the axle 4 hours late and the guy had left but had a neighbor come over and take my money. Luckily he had the axle attached to a cherry picker and his driveway was slanted. Yes it worked as good as I had hoped, no lifting required it slid right in. We turned tail and headed home to lose the opposite side front wheel bearing in a clover leaf this time 5 miles from the parts store...the guys at the Carthage Mo O'Reilly's went above and beyond to come get me and give me a ride back out in one of their personal vehicles! This time the rain had stopped and I back up the wrong way on a exit ramp just to see the state trooper head quarter right there I changed this bearing in the parking lot of troop D. This time convinced my noise would be gone I was sadly delusional...we drove back with a noise and a occasional pop bang thump...after 17 hours on the road we made it home....



Well-known member
Today I climbed under the suburban and started poking around dreadful of what I may find thinking it was my tcase. I lifted the rear end and put it in drive and figured out the noise was resonating down the drive shaft but seemed to be coming from the front axle. After pulling the front driveshaft I noticed a ton of slack between the ring and pinion gears and a roaring noise from the drivers side stub shaft when spun.... I took it for a spin to have the quietest ride the suburban has ever had...very thankful it was the front axle and wondering what the chances are that the front diff would crap out while going to get the axle to do a solid axle swap....


I may be wrong but if I remember right you have to have the front cv stub shaft in the hub bearing to keep it from coming apart .

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