Definitely Gone Off The Deep End F750 Camper


Well, I all started back in July on an impromtu mini vacation with fiance and friends to go to Vegas. I also recently purchased a nice vw powered sandrail. My Ambulance has matured to the point I really didn't have any asperations to do more. I still love that truck but I was craving a new build. I came across this 2004 F750 4x4. I am not sure if it was the delectable beverages served in Vegas but it just clicked. I talked to fiance and said this is the one. I made an offer and boom I had my new truck pending inspection. I quickly made an airplane reservation to fly to Utah the next weekend.

Once home from Vegas, I did a quick check on craigslist and found a pretty clean Lance 980 for sale. The price was perfect for me. I quickly send a message to the seller to get dibs as I knew this wouldn't last long. The seller got back to pretty quickly. He was a bit reserved at first. He explained he wouldn't be able to sell it for a few weeks which was perfect for me as I didn't have my truck yet. He then was like hey man this camper is pretty heavy and you really need a full size pickup. I laughed to my self and sent him a picture of the truck. He instantly called me and said you got the truck covered. So I sent a deposit and I had my camper.

We flew into Salt Lake City the next saturday. The guy selling truck picked us up at airport. Nice guy we talked about people buying ready made vehicles and how they are naive about what goes into them. We arrived at his shop and to my suprise it was The diesel Brothers shop. I was too hyper focused on my truck checking it out to even bother acknowledging where I was. No leaks, No crazy smoke started right up stoned cold perfect. Gave him my cashiers check and we were off to california.

Now the big fun started. An unloaded F750 is no cadillac. The other issue was the GVWR. The truck has a GVWR of 30000lbs and I am no commercial trucker so I knew I would be skirting the legalities of driving home, but The only weigh station open was at Donner Agricultural stop. They waived us right through.

Enough talk time for pictures.


2004 Ford F750
5.9 Cummins Diesel
Allison 2000 transmission
BF Spicer Axels
38k miles

1992 Lance 980

I needed to build a platform. I figured pressure treated 4x6 lumber would be easy to work with and provide enough stength as the platform. Lol you have no Idea how hard wet pressure treated lumber is to drill. I used 6 x 3/4" threaded rod to secure everything to the frame. It is secured. I then used Torklift spring and shackles to secure camper to truck. I found after two days the stress had started to bow the 4x6 upwards so I added the chain to the frame to counter act this force, plus this added 4 more attaching points to the frame.


Got the Camper loaded

Panted the lumber Black and added a couple of trucker boxes.

I then realized the genius of no engineering background. Fold up table fit perfectly in the space between the upper 4x6 and middle lumber. Added a hinged 2 inch angle aluminum to lock into place with slide latches and poof no folding tables in camper when traveling. It is the best feature so far. I have two table one each side. I also found same style folding benches. I will be super made genius if the benches fit next to table with building before seeing them.


will add more *** I go.

Took her on maiden voyage to Oregon for the eclipse. I even took her offroading in the dark to find the camping spot. Super excited with how it has turned out so far.

Oh yeah it is registered as an RV or Pickup with permanently attached camper. Bye Bye weight fees and retrofitting smog equipment.


Beach Bum
So jealous, I have been searching for something similar to avoid an LMTV desire lol. I am very intrigued by this build and I'll be watching intently. Congrats on the rig, she's a keeper.


Approved Vendor : Total Composites
Congrats to the truck!
I admire people that can built stuff and go out using it. But please build yourself a subframe made of steel that is proper engineered. The last thing you want is your camper flying off, hitting other traffic......


The built subframe is stronger than the actual camper. The camper will fly apart way before the pressure treated lumber would. I had metal ready to go but figured after looking at the overall goal this exceeds the requirements.


I also researched the LMTV. I really didnt want to hassle changing gears and I read reports of reliability concerns. The prices and distance to get a resonably priced one eliminated them from my list. They are great rigs.


Expedition Leader
Nice! How were the Diesel Power guys? I've heard they are some pretty rad dudes. They all are donating their huge trucks and helicopters to help in Houston.


Nobody was there when I picked up my truck. I was kinda to focused on my truck to even really notice anything except a few trucks in the front lot.


Judging by the white stripes down the side, was it used by the fire department?

We used to have a Chevy C70 Dump with a 5 speed/2 speed rear end in our construction fleet, by far my most favorite truck to drive.


It rides so much better with the camper on it. The camper overcomes the springs to allow them to properly function. Very happy with ride quality.

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