DEATH VALLEY RUN - President day weekend


New member
We will leave Pleasanton around noon Thursday. Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.

should we meet you at Ballarat Friday morning or Trona? what time?

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm
5. Kirk - kmaclean - Montero Gen2 - CB/FRS/GMRS - 2 people - Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4. Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]
2. RobRed#2 - Tundra - 1 ppl. Comms: FRS / GMRS / [No CB]


Expedition Leader
I'll take a stab at answering a few questions:

@kmaclean. Meeting point on Fri morning: I would say meet us at Ballarat in the morning. It's a little over an hour from Trona to Ballarat so I'm going to guess if we roll out of Trona around 9am-ish, we should be at Ballarat 10:30am-ish. That's assuming everyone fills up Thu night :)

Speaking of the gas situation based on my rough calculations the mileage from Trona Pinnacles to Furnace Creek through Golar Wash/Mengal Pass etc is approx. 150 miles - i.e. if you get 10mpg on the trails you need a minimum of 15gals +/- 5 gals to be safer. I highly suggest everyone brings extra fuel and be prepared for Furnace Creek to charge you an arm and a leg. Last time I got gas there was almost $6 per gal...luckily I was on my motorcycle and only needed 3gal and not 30gal :)

@off-roader. GPS tracks: While I don't have the exact route that Carlos has planned I did find a few close ones on Google. The best one I found is here (you want the Day 7 tracks, if you don't want all for future trips): - there's lots of info on the area in most SoCal 4x4 books which I'll have on hand too.

@RobRed. Campground Reservations: Personally I haven't made any campground reservations mainly because the camping location is dependent on how well we can stick to the itenerary. My backup plan is dispersed camping.


Expedition Leader
Thanks man. I've also just sent off a text to Carlos to check here for more questions and clarify where he needs to on those questions and any more that arise.


Expedition Leader
No problem at all just trying to help out besides I'm getting excited about the trip and to me planning is half the fun :)


Expedition Leader
No problem at all just trying to help out besides I'm getting excited about the trip and to me planning is half the fun :)
No worries. Just wanted everyone to know I'm also contacting him.

We did speak just now. He'll be back on here later today with more answers.


Well, looks like we are out. Made a run to Tahoe this last weekend and the old check engine light came on. Short story is a left cylinder head replacement. Dealer is swapping it out now. #6 cylinder only spitting out 75 lbs. On the up side, glad it happened semi-local vs out in DV somewhere. Probably have the Jeep back in time, but not fully confident in trusting the fix without running it a bit first. Sad, only 5k on this 13 Wrangler. :sigh:

Kind of a bummer as we were really looking forward to this adventure!

Hope everyone has a great time and look forward to some pictures.


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New member
To get the ball rolling, for the radio frequencies, here's my suggestion:

HAM Radio: Simplex freq 146.460 (preferable mode of comms)
FRS: 13 - as in Feb 13
CB channel: 13

If we find other groups using the same frequencies we'll adjust them if needed.
The car CB not working properly, have a handled CB and maybe a FRS. Is this sufficient to get by?

Meeting points and coords for Thu, I've never been to this part of DV before so these came from the Wikipedia page but looks good on map:
Trona Pinnacles (35.617134,-117.36836) :
Plan to leave LA before noon, Is anybody planning to be there around 5:00ish?

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm
5. Kirk - kmaclean - Montero Gen2 - CB/FRS/GMRS - 2 people - Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.
6. Nick - Vwchisme - Jeep - 2 people

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4. Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]
2. RobRed#2 - Tundra - 1 ppl. Comms: FRS / GMRS / [No CB]


New member
Updated the Thursday group with my info. Planning to be at Trona Thursday evening.

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm
5. Kirk - kmaclean - Montero Gen2 - CB/FRS/GMRS - 2 people - Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.
6. Nick - Vwchisme - Jeep - 2 people
7. Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 33's - Locker - CB/FRS/GMRS -1 - Thursday Evening at Trona

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 - 2 (heading out Friday night eta 7-8pm)
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 or 80 - 2or3 (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
4. Alex - alexbv - lx450 35's - 1 or 2 - FRI nig (heading out Friday night eta 6-8pm)
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]
2. RobRed#2 - Tundra - 1 ppl. Comms: FRS / GMRS / [No CB]


1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm
5. Kirk - kmaclean - Montero Gen2 - CB/FRS/GMRS - 2 people - Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.
6. Nick - Vwchisme - Jeep - 2 people
7. Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 33's - Locker - CB/FRS/GMRS -1 - Thursday Evening at Trona
8. Nick-nikosan-Landcruiser stock 100-33's -Lockers-CB/ham Thursday afternoon by 5 at Trona 2 people
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ok guys, a few more days to go! :sombrero:

I know there has been a lot of questions, some have been answer already but I'll try to clear up things a bit more.

I've updated the 1st post but I'll suggest you also keep an eye on the latest posts for more up to date info:

FYI, I tried to ask for everyone's email to get a newsletter going but only a few reply back, I also asked for everyone to put confirmed arrival time but only a handful actually reply back, it wasn't till a couple of days a go that people started posting arrival times.

Anyways, here is a is a brief summary of the trip:
Camp at Trona Pinnacles:
From Ridgecrest take HWY 178 and make a right on PINNACLE RD, drive for about 6.8 miles to camp.
GPS: 35° 37′ 1.68″ N, 117° 22′ 6.1″ W
If you plan on arriving Friday Morning, please meet us at BALLARAT around 9-30-10 am.

GPS: n35 58.160 w116 55.642
You can meet us there if you are arriving Fri night just make sure you start from West side Rd (easy way in)
If you are arriving Sat Morning you can also meet us at the intersection of West Side Rd and Warm Springs Canyon around 9-10 AM

We'll either be camping at TEXAS SPRING OR SUNSET camping grounds (it's 1st come 1st serve so we just have to show up and see what's available)


In regards to getting into trouble with the rangers for having such a large group it's something we can discuss when we all meet. I prefer not to put it in writing but we'll make it work one way or another.

Please keep updating the list that has been started, I'll print out the last one on WED and bring it with me so I know who to expect and ETAs.

can't wait! :)
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Updated the Friday group spots 1-4

Thu group (Camp at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night):
1. Carlos - cap510 - Montero Gen2 - 2 - Thursday evening at Trona
2. Ray - off-roader - Montero Gen2 w/ CB & GMRS - 2- Thursday ~ midnight @ Trona
3. Dennis - Dennx - FJ - 1 - 33s, lifted, sliders, under armor.
4. Sarwat - stioc - Pathfinder w/ CB/HAM/FRS - 2 people - arriving at Trona Pinnacles on Thu night around 11:33-ish pm
5. Kirk - kmaclean - Montero Gen2 - CB/FRS/GMRS - 2 people - Staying in Ridgecrest Thursday night.
6. Nick - Vwchisme - Jeep - 2 people
7. Jason - EmptyOly - Montero Gen 2.5 - 33's - Locker - CB/FRS/GMRS -1 - Thursday Evening at Trona
8. Nick-nikosan-Landcruiser stock 100-33's -Lockers-CB/ham Thursday afternoon by 5 at Trona 2 people

Fri group (Camp at Warm Springs on Fri night):
1. Tyson - tyty13 - Montero Gen2 - 2 ppl - CB/FRS - eta 6-8pm
2. Naomi - Pathfinder - 2 ppl - CB/FRS - eta 6-8pm
3. Jason T. - Torquey - Land Cruiser 100 - 3 ppl - HAM/FRS - eta 6-8pm
4. Alex - alexbv - LX450 35's - 1 ppl - HAM/FRS - eta 6-8pm
5. Juan - jjxsanchez - Land Cruiser 80 - 3
6. Louie - Land Cruiser 80 - 2
7. Henry - Land Cruiser 80 - 1
8. Dmitriy - Eurosonic - Montero Gen2.5 - 4ppl - arriving around 11:30PM

Sat group (Camp at Furnace Creek on Sat night):
1. RobRed - Land Cruiser 100 - 2 ppl. Comms: HAM / APRS / FRS / GMRS / PLB / SAT Phone / Cell Phone / [No CB]
2. RobRed#2 - Tundra - 1 ppl. Comms: FRS / GMRS / [No CB]



I'm just gonna pretend I don't know any of I'm not part of your group. ;)

I'll be leaving Friday from Orange County either around 3pm or around 9pm, depending on my A-driver and V-day plans. If that coincides with anyone else's plans, shoot me a message or a text and we can caravan. 7145531158.


Bad looks like my co-driver is not going to make the trip, and I can't afford the cost of fuel on my own.

So...I'm probably out, unless I can find a passenger to split the fuel cost with. If you know anyone who might want to go but doesn't have their own vehicle, and they would be willing to split the fuel cost, please let me know ASAP. Thanks!

Tyty...I might go, not sure.

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