CVT Cover Modifications

Well after calling a few more places, still no takers. However, one place did refer me to someone and we are discussing if he would be willing take it on. I did find a you tube video of exactly what I am looking to do.



Well-known member
Well after calling a few more places, still no takers. However, one place did refer me to someone and we are discussing if he would be willing take it on. I did find a you tube video of exactly what I am looking to do.

Yeah this is exactly what I want, except since I have access to under my tent I just want bungies to be simple and allow flexibility to store the annex on top of the tent also.
Yeah this is exactly what I want, except since I have access to under my tent I just want bungies to be simple and allow flexibility to store the annex on top of the tent also.
Its funny you mentioned that. I am allowing some more material to be added to the bottom so that I can keep the ladder on the top (currently it is designed to be removed each time and stored in a bag) and to allow the annex to lay on top of that. This afternoon I am meeting with the upholstery shop to finalize the details. Best part about this place is its called Mom and Pop Automotive, Pop works on cars, Mom does upholstery. She said she's excited to do this project.

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