Coleman 12V Cooler Fridge


Any reviews on it? I recently bought one for $88. I couldn't pass it up. I haven't tried it yet but I will be trying it very soon. :)


Yes it is. I googled it and everything came back positive.

One of the reasons I posted here is I wanted to see if anyone here used it.


New member
I bought one, but quickly returned it. It's not a true fridge. All it does is cool things down about 20 degrees lower than ambient temperature. Doesn't do much in the Texas heat. It also runs continuously, could be a problem for someone with only one battery. YMMV


I love mine and it works great! In 95º heat the warmest it got was 39º which kept my food nice and cool. I had it in the extended cab portion of my truck with the windows cracked. In the super hot afternoons I put a 12v fan blowing air in right at one of my rear windows to keep the temp down inside the cab.


I have two Igloos and a Coleman. They are definitely not refrigerators, but they work fine for keeping things cold as long as you have a lot of battery capacity or charge your batteries frequently, and the ambient temp doesn't get too high. They are big time ENERGY HOGS. Mine will drain a battery overnight. The best of the three is the Coleman, and it will cool to a little over 40 degrees below ambient. The other two will do about 30.

There is no comparison between a thermo-electric cooler and a refrigerator. I use the thermo-electrics for extra capacity when using an RV, where I have unlimited electricity. For backcountry travel I use a real refrigerator.

To clarify a little, I started out with an Igloo thermo-electric back in the early 90s, before I knew the refrigerators like Engel and ARB existed. Maybe they didn't exist then. It seemed like a big step up from floating, soggy food and continually buying ice. After moving up to a refrigerator, I would hate to have to go back to the coolers. If I were starting out today, I would bite the bullet and start with a refrigerator. It is cheaper in the long run, and far superior.

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I bought the Coleman last week and still couldn't decide "yeah" or "neah". It took a long time (4-5 hrs) for the temp inside to get "cool". In addition, if you unplug it, the inside temperature increase fast.
I had one. Used it once and sold it. It only cooled items to about 30 degrees under ambient temperature, not nearly cold enough to keep food safe. It zapped the battery in the wife's Suburban in about an hour. She was due for a new battery but that amount of energy use is unacceptable.


Expedition Leader
I will be running the Coleman thermo cooler(not their "fridge) while I save for a real one, picked it up for $5, but I also plan to install a solar panel to keep things charged.

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