
We're out for the slabs as well, crossing from San Diego on the 30th or so.

seetheworld, heres some tips I got from someone about Baja, may be of some help and I've marked this stuff on our map.

Sounds like a fun trip. As for off pavement adventures, I can think of three I think you would enjoy. None of this is any secret and looking at a paper map of Baja these jaunts are pretty plain to see.

Looking at a map of northern Baja, the road comes south out of Ensenada. Less than an hour south is a paved fork that goes to the coast at Erendira. The pavement ends near the Pacific and you can turn south across a river bed to follow a track along the bluffs and beaches. There are a few homes and camps at first and then it gets more remote. You can camp along here if the timing is right. This road has several cutoffs that allow you to get back to the main highway. I would cut back over at San Antonio Del Mar, though you can follow the shore track for many more miles if it suits you.

Next I would strongly consider taking the turnoff for Bahia De Los Angeles, as it is quite spectacular when you arrive in the daylight. You can camp along the bay, wild or at various primitive campgrounds north and south of the village. The small town has plenty of places for tacos and beer, motels and a few small markets. You can spend the night and then head back the way you came but for the best off-highway adventure, continue south from there along the Sea of Cortez, on rough dirt roads that mostly go to remote fish camps. You go south a ways, before heading to El Arco where the dirt track then works its way back to the main road again at Vizcaino. One advantage of this detour is that it bypasses a few hours of the most boring and straight sections of the main road either side of Guerrero Negro and you get to see some still wild areas that few gringos ever see.

Finally, if you find that you have made it to La Paz and still have a couple days before the ferry I would head through Todos Santos to the Pacific and down that coast to Cabo. From crowded Cabo head east around the cape, taking the dirt coast road from San Jose Del Cabo all the way to Los Barriles. There you can decide whether to continue on the spectacular dirt coast road or hop on the paved road to zip back to La Paz.

We have a room in San Jose del Cabo the 4th and 5th, the heading to La Paz for the ferry on the 6th.
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Im in for all the stops you have
ive also been looking at playa escondida

we will try and catch up to you guys on the first
so if you figure out where you will camp on 12/01/12 let us know by PM


hi guys.
a bit late to the party here, but we are already on the mainland and drove baja over the period of a month (been on the road for about 4)

feel free to check out our blog
as we found tons of great camping through baja (thankfully nothing close to a KOA)... if you drive just a few hours over the border and hang a right to the ocean you'll find some amazing camping spots. nobody around, fresh mussels and fish. awesome.

as you get further toward middle baja the road will get closer to the beach and spotting camping is easy.
when you cross from west to east you guys could all setup a group camp in the desert

and in the south there's plenty of camps setup with palapas that'll make you never want to leave for the mainland ;)

feel free to ask for more details on any of the places you want to find...but exploring is most of the fun!!
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aka rover

Wow Dangerbus

Thanks for posting up your blog, Baja looks great and I may have cut myself short for exploreing it. I would like to Have a few weeks exploreing that area.

Thanks again for posting up

Cheers Ed


Wow Dangerbus
Thanks for posting up your blog, Baja looks great and I may have cut myself short for exploreing it. I would like to Have a few weeks exploreing that area.

of course!

i would recommend NOT booking hotel rooms and simply camping your way through. some of our stops were among if not the best campsites we've ever had in our lives, and we've camped all over the PNW.

if you guys are looking to caravan because the company sounds fun, cool. if you're worried about safety skip it and go explore on your own. we spent the entire month barely running into a soul and felt safer then back in the states =)

i second the above idea to head down past cabo to the east cape. at least for those of you itching to use your 4wd...
its probably tougher than anything during the rally (unless you really go looking for it). the east cape is mostly without road (certainly no pavement) and after the last storm several parts are almost impassable. take your maxtrax! :Wow1:

heres our drive through the east cape...wish we had taken better photos of the technical stuff, but its a start.

aka rover

We don't have any plans to book a hotel, we are set up to camp and plan to do so the whole trip with the exception of a few nights in Cabo with soom friends in there time share.

We are driving a old 67 109 rover that is set up pretty well for this type of terrain. Great pics and footage you have posted up, im really looking forward to the Baja.

Thanks Ed

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