Camera Bags


Alright, so I have a bit of a trip coming up over my December break from school to New Zealand. In trying to do a little bit of before-hand preparation, I'm trying to figure out what gear I'm going to take. There-in lies the issue. I'd love to be able to bring all of my bodies and all of my lenses (don't we all)...but that's really not possible, especially the way that my storage system works now. I'm currently running with a Canon 40D w Tamron 18-250, Canon 15mm Fisheye, Canon G11, and batteries, cards, and whatnot in a Pelican case without a whole lot of room to spare. Then a separate bag for an EOS 3 35mm with a battery grip and either an 18-75 or 75-300 mounted on that in a Mountainsmith shoulder bag. The last but certainly not least in my kit is a Mamiya 645AF with a 120 film back and standard 80mm lens.

I'd love to be able to take the 645, 35mm, and 40D, however space is definitely an issue. In looking at one bag to attempt to hold it all (or at least most of it) I think I've settled on either a Domke F2 or F1B, or a Crumpler 8 Million Dollar Home (Maybe the Brazillion Dollar Home). As these bags have relatively significant price tags, I'd rather be able to feel them with my own two hands than buy sight unseen. Unfortunately that isn't really do-able as the closest photo store that *might* actually have them in stock is 2 hours away without traffic.

Does anyone have any experience with any of these bags (or have another suggestion)?
Is there anyone in Prescott, AZ with either of these bags that would be willing to let me take a look before I pull the trigger on one myself?

Thanks in advance.



My main travel containers consist of a Pelican 1650 (water housing, ports, tools, parts, etc), a LowePro backpack (the big one which fits my 500) and a Manfrotto tripod bag. The airlines love me for showing up with a 40lb backpack on a trans-pacific flight. ;) I also have several smaller LowePro shoulder bags for local gigs.

I do have 3 Crumpler bags and love all of them. You don't see too many of them but the build quality is great and they are very well thought out. When I was in Melbourne last year, I felt right at home as everyone seems to have a Crumpler. I've put mine through the ringer more than once and they're still going strong.


Pelicans are great. I use a 1450 for my trail box. I keep a Nikon/Olympus system set-up in a Tamrac Expedition 6 with a netbook. Its a great bag, weather sealed with lots of padding. Plus it looks like a regular backpack, Pelican cases stand out.


Expedition Leader
Not hijack the thread but will a Expedition 6 hold two bodies with walk around zooms plus 2-3 other lenses? I like how that bag looks like a normal back pack.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
Are you looking for a bag that is both for camera gear and personal supplies or just the camera equipment?

Clik Elite makes some nice packs and bags. I have the large Hiker frame pack with their clik stand and I like it a lot. Well made stuff.


I have a Lowepro stealth reporter bag - 300AW I think it is. I looked at backpacks but I am a larger framed guy and none fit comfortably. The stealth bag has been great, its taken its far share of tubles with all my gear in it and so far nothing has ever broken. However with the amount of gear you are looking at taking with it wouldn't be large enough.

Why are you taking so much gear?? Having a simple setup you know how to use that you will always have with you while you travel is better than having everything sitting in the car/hotel/etc.

I typically have my D90 on a blackrapid strap with a 18-200 lens, a tokina 11-16mm in my wifes camelpak and she has her point and shoot.

That way we aren't lugged down with lots of gear while out exploring. Sometimes I keep a "bean" bag in the camelpak also to rest the camera on rocks etc for pictures of the two of us.

I would take the Canon 40D w/ 18-250mm, fisheye (cause they are fun), and the G11 for the "street" photography.

Also those Clik bags look really nice. To bad no where even semi local is a retailer. Maybe in my travels i will find some to try on. I would like a nice backpack.


unless you see an example of someone fitting exactly what you are planning in a bag, you have no way to tell if a bag is large enough..

do you have a camera store near you to see the bag in person?

My largest capacity bag is a Calumet Roller case.

I store inside:

1D body
5D body
70-200 zoom
85mm prime
24mm prime
45mm prime
28-75 zoom
2 x Canon speed lights
hoods for above lenses
AA batteries
Memory cards, radio triggers

So this bag will definitely carry your 40D and 35mm bodies + lenses no problem. Dunno how big your Mamiya is...

Every Miles A Memory

Expedition Leader
Check out the ThinkTank line of bags. Top Notch build quality and they have something in their line up that will fit your requirements for sure.

This Streetwalker HardDrive Backpack is reviewed somewhere on this forum and here is a few different ways I've packed it up in the past.



Not sure if you're bringing one, but it will also hold a laptop if you need it?


Best thing is it's small enough to be considered a carry on, but if you're carrying it on, dont allow them to weigh it...LOL I've loaded mine up way to heavy and just kept it on my shoulders while going through the ticketing process

Plus, if you click on that link and buy any bag for over $50, ThinkTank will throw in an extra bag for free....couple to chose from


I was reading about these the other day. I obviously have no experience.

Andy Biggs does a lot of photo tours in Africa and created this bag because he was running into weight problems on airlines. If you are traveling over seas it might be worth looking into. Expensive though.
I'm a fan of the Naneu K5 Adventure

put lenses in Lowepro lens bags

85L , so room for lots of gear

tripod holder on the rear

2 actual bags, you can remove the camera bag itself

water tight zippers, attached rain jacket for pack

you can find it for $200s new

there are some videos on Vimeo

have a great time!!!


Ive never been a fan of Lowpro. Just like Ape Case they dont seem that well made. For alittle more I will take a Tamrac bag anyday.

The Expidition 6 will hold 2 boddies, 300mm F/4, 70-300mm, 50mm 1.8, 40-150mm, 14-40mm, 28-80mm, 135mm, and still have space for a junk pocket. The retail on the bag is $269, but there are a bunch on ebay for around $200. On the outside I have a Slik tri-pod and mono-pod.


So to answer a couple of questions:

I plan on using the bag as a carry-on, so it won't have all of my other gear/clothes in it. It does need to be easy to carry and not a backpack style. My big duffel is a backpack when travelling, so that style of bag is out.

I'm not sure about bringing my laptop. Hoping to shoot more film than digital, so I won't need to download large numbers of pictures while I'm there.

There are no camera stores within a 2 hour drive to Prescott...kinda sad. A couple of good outdoor stores and a bestbuy...but that doesn't quite cut it.

I'm currently using a Patagucci Critical Mass shoulder bag with my sling bags inside of that. It's got minimal protection for gear in the padding department, but it's HUGE. I spent today shooting with the Mamiya and EOS 3 both in their own small bags inside of the gucci bag. I'm considering just taking a 5 dollar walmart blue foam pad and constructing an insert into that for the cameras so that I can get it just the way I want it, but still be able to use it for everyday bike commuting too.

I like the look of the thinktank bags, they seem well built and thought out. Not that I really worry too much about the security of my stuff, but does anyone use a bag from Pacsafe.



Best Buy has a good selection of Lowpro. If its all you can get it will do for you til you stuble into a tamrac dealer.


Not to dig up an older thread but...
I think I've refined what I'm looking for in terms of a camera bag and am wondering if anyone here has first-hand experience with any of them. My first choice as of now is the F-Stop Gear Tilopa BC bag with their Loka being a close second. I'm also rather interested in the Gura Gear Kiboko bag, however it doesn't look quite as rugged or as versatile as the F-Stops. Any thoughts?

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For sale Pics by TheFactory21, on Flickr

Pelican 1600's for transporting and flying.

For sale Pics by TheFactory21, on Flickr

Thinktank Glass Taxi for the big lenses.

For sale Pics by TheFactory21, on Flickr

Kata Waistpacks for walking around in working mode.

Loewpro Flipside 500AW by TheFactory21, on Flickr
And a Lowepro Flipside 500AW.
Best backpack ever designed, limited release at the Vancouver Games, hope they release it as a normal model as people gotta get one of these.

I have at least 2 of every one of these in case they break (Apart from the Flipside). Most of it comes from CPS or NPS on "long term testing" which is handy =)
I also use Newswear pouches when I need to be more discreet then having the Kata.

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