Brian894x4’s Land Cruiser FZJ80 build thread.


lacrits68 said:

could not in Sweden we pay 7,50$ for a gallon gas and even more on dieselfuel!! Govenment takes out high taxes on gas! ( and dont forget annual roadtax, for my disco 2 -99 1700$. :(

you guys have like 50% on gas!


Well, we're catching up to you. As our dollar crashes in value, it just makes it that much worse.

It's interesting that diesel is more expensive over there too. Same here. I still can't figure out why, since it should be much cheaper to refine. In the old the 1990s...diesel was always the cheapest.


Brian894x4 said:
It's interesting that diesel is more expensive over there too. Same here. I still can't figure out why, since it should be much cheaper to refine. In the old the 1990s...diesel was always the cheapest.


What i understad it has not that much to do with pruduction cost, price is calculated after demand and production capcity!

as allway....hi demad, hi prices! Here in Europe diesel cars ( regular familycars) are very popular, and demad on dieselfuel is skyrocketing!

correct me if im wrong!


Oskar Pilot

New member
Hay Brian!

Just wondering...are you done for now??? I've been reading your build and have been impressed! Nice job! More please! Walt


Thanks much! Well.....

I'm not exactly done....I haven't really updated this thread with everything, but I have most of the latest mods on my website:

The next planned project is upgrading the alternator to a 150amp Tundra/Sequoia unit. I've got all the parts. It's just a matter of installing it.

I figure I'll PM all the coolent/heater hoses at the same time and do some other PM work, so it will probably be an all weekend project and I'm still gathering other parts.

What I would like to eventually is add Metaltech Sliders and some kind of rear bumper/tire carrier set up....I'm liking Slee's set up so far. And probably do an ARB snorkle as well.

Problem is, I'm having a hard time justifying to myself (and the wife) spending thousands more dollars on a rig that gets 11-12 mpg considering current gas prices and with a recession coming up and other issues, that means we really should be saving money instead of blowing it.

So, for now, things are progressing fairly conservatively. I'm generally very happy with the set up right now and it wouldn't kill me if I just left it like it is for a while. But I have my dreams.

At least I have something to look forward too. Building is half the fun. Once it's all done, things get kind of boring. :D


New member
Hi Brian,

I love your truck - because I love my new one as well. Same color as yours, a 1997 with 133000 on it. I removed the bug deflector and the rear deflector first thing. The next thing todo is the Automatic trasnsmission flush and replacement of all fliuids for synthetic fluids and 1" spring spacers all around.

Take care, just wanted to share this.


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