BOGO laptop


The hardware seems perfect for that kind of use!

Will be very interested to hear how that research goes, especially GPS-type applications that will work with the included sugar. Or will he be programming/developing the interface?

Seems if you are a developer, have downloaded the emulator etc and still need hardware to test on, you can get one for free in the hopes of furthering the OLPC project. Smart move ... info at if that's what he's doing. If not, there's a program available until the end of 2007 where your $399 donation gets one for a deserving child and you get one free for "your child". That info at Hmmm, you got me thinking now, I'm pretty much of a child most of the time.:)

Also curious how a GPS will interface, let us know OK? Thinking active antenna? Good luck!


Expedition Leader
Actually thinking cheap USB receiver and simple Linux mapping/routing software.
Delorme Earthmate USB receiver?
Low power consumption is amazing! 1w-5w , you could power it with a hand crank charger.


HenryJ said:
Actually thinking cheap USB receiver and simple Linux mapping/routing software.
Delorme Earthmate USB receiver?
Low power consumption is amazing! 1w-5w , you could power it with a hand crank charger.

The laptop was originally designed to work with a hand crank. I believe it was dropped as the cost for the "$100 Laptop" increased to $200.

Regardless, I really hope this program takes off.


Expedition Leader
My brothers Xmas from his wife was one of these. Delivery is scheduled for January or February last I heard.
Lots of things running through his head right now. The simplicity. The inter connectivity. He is anxious about the possibility of software radio and researching the possibilities. First step will be to get his "ticket". That will give him something to do while he waits for this laptop.


HenryJ said:
My brothers Xmas from his wife was one of these. Delivery is scheduled for January or February last I heard.
Lots of things running through his head right now. The simplicity. The inter connectivity. He is anxious about the possibility of software radio and researching the possibilities. First step will be to get his "ticket". That will give him something to do while he waits for this laptop.

Please post up impressions when he receives it :)


Expedition Leader
If anyone is interested in getting one, I encourage you to do it soon. I would say that with continually increasing pressures from Microsoft and Intel they may not be around long.


bigreen505 said:
If anyone is interested in getting one, I encourage you to do it soon. I would say that with continually increasing pressures from Microsoft and Intel they may not be around long.

I believe the BOGO program ends Dec. 31st.


I ordered one for my daughter.
Ok, I really ordered it for me to play the "Learn to program in python" game. :)

I'm interested to see how well it works. I doubt it will make Microsoft shiver much, I'm just glad to see the program moving along and getting these laptops into the hands of kids far and wide (and near).

Ours should arive around when Henry's does and I'll let you know (via posting with it) how it works. Ironaically, I was thinking of getting rid of my Earthmate USB GPS receiver....


Expedition Leader
Looks like there will be three in our family. My brother is to receive his and he purchased one for each of his two nephews. My son will receive one.

Word is that the others are on their way to Mongolia. I had to chuckle with flashes of hoards of Mongols with laptops. Young Genghis Khan, Kublai Khan able to create a new empire!

On the plains and areas that are RF quiet the reception for connectability can be up to 3km. That would be more than enough to connect vehicles in an expedition. It will be fun to see the possibilities.

Last word was scheduled delivery was pushed back to Late February or March for us.


Safari Chick & Supporting Sponsor
Keep us posted on this - I just got a link on them, and they look really brilliant.

How can Microsoft / Intel stop this product? Am I missing something here, they are Linux OS.


DesertRose said:
Keep us posted on this - I just got a link on them, and they look really brilliant.

How can Microsoft / Intel stop this product? Am I missing something here, they are Linux OS.

That's the problem, MS doesn't like seeing Linux machines being widely distributed. There's been some beef between the guy who started the OLPC program and Intel...he wants them to stop supplying chips to Asus for the EeePC, which he sees as a competitor...argh. He should stick to passing out free machines, that part is really cool!

Scott Brady



DesertRose said:
Keep us posted on this - I just got a link on them, and they look really brilliant.

How can Microsoft / Intel stop this product? Am I missing something here, they are Linux OS.

They can stop it the same way Ford can stop the Vespa scooter. They are aimed at different markets. Remember Bill Gate's vision is a "Computer in every home running Microsoft software", or something close to that. I shouldn't have used quotes but deleting takes soooooo much work. Where as OLPC is looking at, well, one laptop per child. I liked the buy one get one model you also used, Rosanne (even though I didn't get one because I've got more flashlights than I can use) as a means for us greedy "what's in it for me" people to help distribute needed goods to people who can really use them.

Anyway, it's not meant to compete, it's meant to get useful technology into the hands of the next generation who will hopefully make a better impact on helping their countries, ummmm, improve? Not quite the right word. But close.

They have an update page here . It's pretty cool to see the real problems they are having and how they are getting fixed.

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