Baja Weekend South of Ensenada


New member
My friend and I decided to head down to Baja for a little exploratory surf mission and some camping. We picked out the area just south of Ensenada for this trip as we wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle closer to the border. We found out last minute that the Baja 400 was also running this weekend so we did our best to avoid any traffic from that as well.

We left LA around 1pm suffered through Friday traffic and hit the border a little before 5pm and through by 5:45 or so. We then hit the toll road and headed to Eréndira. After stopping for gas and to get pesos from an ATM in Ensenada we made it to our destination around 8:45pm. Since we were getting in after dark we decided to just camp at Coyote Cals instead of trying to find somewhere on the coast in the dark.

Saturday AM we woke up early and drove the coast roads north and south from Coyote Cals looking for waves. North of town there were lots of local families camped out for the weekend. We eventually settled on a spot up there and had a fun but small surf all to ourselves. After a delicious fish taco lunch at Gloria's (the best restaurant in town) we decided to head further south towards Colonet to check out another surf spot and try and catch some of the Baja 400 on the way. We caught some of the bikes and quads in the wash outside of Eréndira and saw one trophy truck enter HWY 1 outside of San Vincente.

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Our decision to head south paid off as we pulled up to an empty pointbreak with offshore winds and chest high waves. We paddled out and snagged a few each before we were joined by 4 other older gringos who have been visiting the area for 30 years and had a house down the point. We all had a fun session trading waves until sundown and gathering information about more surf spots from the baja veterans. We spent the night camped on the bluff over the spot and were up early for a quick morning surf before heading north to try our best to beat the border traffic.

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All in it was a great first trip to this area and we learned a lot about camping locations and more potential surf spots. It was also the first trip since I had a 2in lift w/ fox shocks and camburg UCAs put on my 4Runner. The new setup handled well and felt great blasting around the dirt roads. We're already looking forward to the next trip.


Fixer & Builder of Things
Ah reminds me of my trips down there waaaay back in the 90’s. Good times then and still looks like good times! I was frequently surprised the water would be cooler like 5-8 degrees from my home break in north san diego county.

Have fun!


Nice Report! I watched the Baja 400 live and saw how beautiful that coast is! Headed to LA Bay Thursday. 4Runner with Mid level Icon stuff - it really does make a difference. When you are loaded up - hydraulic bump stops can be nice when you hit the unexpected!


New member
Nice Report! I watched the Baja 400 live and saw how beautiful that coast is! Headed to LA Bay Thursday. 4Runner with Mid level Icon stuff - it really does make a difference. When you are loaded up - hydraulic bump stops can be nice when you hit the unexpected!

I definitely want to go down just for a race to spectate. We only saw a little and it was pretty awesome
WE used to go to quatras casas in the late 70s there was one house on the point An an old fisherman. Would bring fresh caught lobster by at night. There was a ship wreck on the shore a few miles. Further south. Complete with bandidos looting it and yelling at us to. I guess go away. Yep. Brings back some fond memories. Sounds there is still adventure to be found and you found some. Thanks


Oil eater.
My first trip to the area at the tail end of the pictures was in Sept 1969. I still have a lot there with some trailers and the important bano. Stay away from the hostel owned by Richard.

Ace Brown

Retired Ol’ Fart
Looks like a fun time! Great photos. I've been dreaming of a Baja road trip for quite some time.

Just go!

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