Attn :AT Habitat Owners - could I get some advice?

I just returned from Overland Expo east and spent about two hours over three days hanging out at the habitat campers. The three guys I spoke to that own them love them and I am leaning that direction. One of them mentioned a facebook page for AT habitat owners but I cannot find it. I am not super social media savvy, in fact I am pretty much a buffoon when it comes to that sort of thing. Does anyone know about that group or is there a link someone could post?

Thank you.


Beach Bum
I just spent the last 10 days with one on the Power Wagon. We did three nights in the Habitat. I plan to do a short writeup on our thoughts and experience here in the coming days.

In short I can say that they are extremely well built, warmer than we had expected (cold weather protection), and setup/takedown in mere minutes. Sadly it won't be the direction in which we go, but they are an extremely viable option for those who want a camper and a RTT in one with none of the drawbacks of the conventional versions of those items.

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