Art Loeb Solo

Got fall break comming up and have been planning to go backpacking through linville gorge or doing the Art Loeb trail with an old friend. Well, the friend has backed out and its looking like im going to be going at this thing solo. This is going to be my first solo trip but I've had a good bit of hiking and camping experience and feel fairly confident. Im thinking the art loeb trail is probably the best choice because the trail might be better marked and more populated than trials in the gorge. I've only got three (possibly four) days to hike and am taking the dog so I shouldnt get too lonely. Any pointers for my first solo trip? Any other trail suggestions for a first time solo in NC?


It's been a while since I did the Art Loeb but I do remember it being pretty well marked with the some small exceptions. I did it in October and did not see a soul the entire time...of course it rained the entire time I was on the trail.
Im fine with not seeing anyone, just wanted to make sure the trail was pretty well marked. My nav skills are a little rusty and getting lost isnt my idea of a good time.
weatherm what are "undies" or "socks" and why would anyone want to brush their teeth?

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