Anatomy of A Land Rover Wheels Event


Expedition Leader
Everything I said about 90% of my fellow Land Rover owners is true and self-learned. To the other decent 10% who are and have been a pleasure to meet my heartiest apologies.

The Rover Shop

Guy obviously not happy with his life or the fact that he caught his girlfriend/boyfriend cheating on him with a range rover owner,,,lol....
Wow! I was not trying to stir up any controversy! All I has conveying is that EVERY Land Rover owner is invited to to join us! Our customers come from all incomes and demographics, we do not discriminate in regards to who you are or what Land Rover you drive. Why would you say things like that? We simply want all of our owners to experience what off-roading is all about in a fun, comfortable and safe as possible environment. Our customers and staff are some of the finest people anyone would want to go out for the day with. We are your friends neighbors, mechanics, doctors, construction workers, etc. and we all give to numerous charitable causes from underprivileged kids to animal causes, to restoring the off-road trails that you and us enjoy. Also please note that just about every time we all go out, we come across other off-road enthusiasts in Jeeps, Hummers, Land Cruisers (new and old) and we are always more than happy to lend them a hand and vice-versa. I can say that there is no differences in the hearts and souls of those folks than ours just because they drive something different. We all have the same passion for off-roading. ALL OF US. So why would you resort to name calling and mocking us? (And thanks for the kind words from The Rover Shop, Scott, Matt AxeAngel and others!)
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The Rover Shop

He is obviously a very disgruntled young boy... One of those redneck yahoos who go out destroying trails just because he "can" he has no desire to preserve nature or enjoy it...merely to destroy it.. And don't get me wrong..I love rednecks..heck I'm an Aussie redneck myself dont y'all know...


New member
Good to hear Dealers supporting Buyers

Great Idea :)
I believe there would be more 4x4s being used to take the Wife and Kids into the great outdoors, espesially when Dealerships are prepared to Put there money were their mouths are and plan and support the use of the vehicles they sell. Cudos to you Folks.
PS Happy to skip over the Negative side of this thread and get into the positive side.

Go the las vegas land Rover Dealers, Trainers and all Support staff and there Customers.
Hope you have a great day out.



Approved Vendor
My idea of a "wheels event" in my beat up old Disco is to see if I have some gas money, make a cheap sandwich, and either head out to my local boonies alone (I enjoy solitude not a catered ultra-rich snob affair) or head out with my mostly equally poor Jeeper friends for an exploring day of the local free BLM/FS trails we live near. Most of us learned how to four wheel on our own or our fathers taught us not some expensive professional LR safari guide leading out rich pampered 80 grand or more new Rover owners. We are blue collar red necks and proud of it. Your attached photos show nothing more than level 2w drive "trails" where a freshly waxed new Rover gets to splatter a little mud and end the day sipping champagne. To each his own exploring I guess be it high brow or blue collar low brow. Do you have miniskirted blonde hostesses to kiss any tiny scratch and make it feel better?


You're right. A cheap sandwich sounds so much more fun.

I really wouldn't want to be at the party that has Range Rovers, champagne and miniskirted blonde hostesses kissing my car either.

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