Ammo can idea thread


Here's my solution for a locking ammo can center console. I didn't want yet another thing rattling around inside while i was driving, and I didn't want to use a key.


Also added a gas strut because I was always scared the lid was going to chop my fingers off one day


And power outlets inside for charging stuff



Expedition Leader
Another use for the "Universal Ammo Can Tray" I've been working with in this thread... I'm just holding it in place for the photos, but with a simple mounting bracket the unused space above the inner fenders in a JK can be put to use...


At left is a 50 cal. can, at right a Fat 50 can.


Next I'll make up some brackets and mount one on each side.


Expedition Leader
I made up the brackets to mount ammo cans above the rear inner fenders in a JKU. They bolt to the tub rail using the hardtop bolts so there's no drilling, and the same bracket can mount on either side of the Jeep. The vertical part of the bracket is also a Molle grid. It's compatible with the soft top as well, the can is positioned far enough inboard so it won't interfere with the soft top bows when they're folded down. Here are a few photos...

50 cal:


2 x 30 cal and some Molle pouches:


Fat 50:


Or a spare battery, perhaps to run a fridge?


A view of both sides:



Expedition Leader
Also I've gotten some sample straps to test from a company I've dealt with on other products in the past.

This one's a simple cam buckle:


And this one's a miniature seat belt buckle. It's very quick to undo, just like a seat belt, push the button and it releases.




I use an old metal fuel can as a tool box. Since the pic I have added a couple latches to keep it closed so I can carry it:


Expedition Leader
Because of their tall size and top opening, the 81mm and 120mm ammo cans can be an awkward size to use in a Jeep. The photo below shows both, although the 120mm is labeled as an "81mm tall" in this photo (I found the photo on the 'net, I didn't label it):


I had an idea... the width and thickness of these cans aren't too far from the size of a jerry can, they're just a lot taller. What if you cut one apart and welded it together so the result was the same height as a jerry can? Then you'd have an ammo can that would fit anywhere a jerry can would, and there are lots of options for carrying jerry cans on jeeps and trailers...



Expedition Leader
I use 25mm cans in a similar way. I have a carrier on each side of the back wall of my camper. I use them for fuel cans when needed, otherwise the ammo cans ride there. I made straps to hold them securely. It would be nice to have a larger can that would fit perfectly but these work pretty well. A few more photos here:


Looks good. I'm pretty sure the 25mm, 81mm and 120mm cans all take the same lid, so shortening one of the taller cans would result in something that fits in a jerry can holder just like your 25mm but would be just as tall as a jerry can.


Expedition Leader
This idea is from XJSuperman (, I just decided to do an illustration of his idea... an 81mm is the right length so that one could mount under each side of a trailer frame with the lid facing outward.


Or you could take two 120mm cans, cut the bottoms off both, and weld them together so you end up with a can with lids on both ends that just long enough to span under the entire frame.


Expedition Leader
The rear inner fender ammo can mounts I made up for my JK and posted about 10 days ago ( worked out so well I'm going to make similar mounts for my LJ. In the photos below, I'm test-fitting one of the Universal Ammo Can Trays in the LJ, and it's shown with a 50 cal, a Fat 50 and two 30 cal cans.


One problem in the LJ is that there's not as much room as there is in the JK - with the hardtop in place the large Fat 50 cans fit fine, but when the soft top is on and folded down the bows sit a bit inboard of the inside edge of the tub, so a Fat 50 may not fit. Might be that only the standard 50 cal can or one or two 30s will fit with the soft top down. The green tray I used in the photos above will interfere with a folded-down soft top, so I won't use that tray in this Jeep.

Here's a poster board mockup of the tray I'll make for the LJ (it should also work in a TJ). I've got the metal on hand, so by Monday I should have something made up and installed. Stay tuned.


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