America By Twilight - The Ultimate Photography Road Trip


Nomadic Photographer
Hi, I'm Todd! I'm a photographer who is currently on the ultimate photo overlanding road trip, using a '14 Outback as my tow vehicle.

You can read more about my overlanding setup.

Quick synopsis of my story: I'm a ex- web developer who quit his day job to follow a dream and passion in photography. I'm living full-time on the highways across America, accompanied only by my faithful dog "Montana".

You can read more about me and my story.





Looking forward to this man! As a fellow photographer I always love a well-shot trip journal :sombrero: Good luck and keep us updated!


Nomadic Photographer
So far so good with the Aliner. The best thing about it for me, is I can setup and takedown in less than a minute. So, even if it's pouring rain, I can be out of the rain/snow very quickly.

I also LOVE that the toilet/shower enclosure is Dry Erase board material. It's great sitting on your throne, with drawing board all around you... I get a lot of work done in there! LOL


Thanks. Really like your night photography. Hope you do well enough to keep doing this as long as you want to.


Nomadic Photographer
By the way, one month into this trip, I pretty more tore the right wheel off the car. I was up in Glacier NP, and swerved to avoid a bear late one night, 14 miles up the going to the sun road.

Midnight, nobody around, by myself, I swerve, and tag a two-ton parking boulder on the side of the road.

After getting my wits, I knew I need to get the car off the road, but I was going uphill and in the wrong direction from where my trailer and camp was.

I was able to discern that the car would move, so I 15pt turned it, and then proceeded to drive it 14 miles, all the way back to my camp. Sparks flying, the rear wheel exploded(what was left of it), and the car was driving on 3 wheels, dragging the right rear cradle on the ground and ripping the rear bumper off.

After be forced to live in the trailer, effectively stranded for almost 40 days in Montana while the car was rebuilt and repaired.

But, I'm back on the road and with a stronger resolve than ever before.

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    I wet back the next day after finally getting a rental car. The boulder I hit.. was not originally standing up, and it was pushed back quite a ways.
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    As you can see, I only barely made contact... (btw, after seeing these photos, I was majorly pissed at the NP service.. this is absurd... and apparently, I'm not the only one this has happened to. After talking to many auto body shops, tow trucks, etc.. those boulders certainly are doing a great job of protecting that gulley on the inside of the road! (yes, I'm very bitter about this)

    Oh, and while I was out shooting these photos for insurance, I ended up finding a scat trail and followed it into the forest a way, only to find the the juvie that started all of this. HA!
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New member
That sucks but all is well that ends well! Definitely not a lot of room for error!
Maybe some rock sliders are needed for that heavy duty off roadin'!!

Glad you're okay and back on the road.


Wow, you're pictures are fantastic. Best of luck in your journeys and I am looking forward to following along.

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