Alu-Cab Gen 3 water into under channels


Looking forward to reach the end of the world
Since I have my Alu Cab Gen 3 (July 2020) I noticed water accumulation into the under channels (well, in lack if better word...).

Fast start and quick stop, after rainning, made water leaking out the channels under the tent. Still ... quite a lot of water.

I knew water was interning because there were tiny unsoldered cracks between the channels and the tent in front and back.

I store, in my backyard, the RTT for the winter, I was afraid of the water, by freezing, expands and cause damage.

So I drilled a little hole in each channel to surprisaly see a god amount of water dripping out.

I don’t know, maybe a cup or so ...enough to drill, think about how much water there in, run to grab my IPhone into the house, and take few pictures.

... just want to share that with you.

Is there water that entering into your channels ?

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New member
My tent came with holes in the channels from factory exactly where you drilled.
Maybe they added them later to their design or forgot them on your tent.


Looking forward to reach the end of the world
I post the same topic on the Alucab Facebook page and they confirm they now drill hole for this reason.

My tent came with holes in the channels from factory exactly where you drilled.
Maybe they added them later to their design or forgot them on your tent.


When I moved mine from my old truck to a new truck, a bunch of water came out. I'll see about drilling mine as well.

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