adventure motorcycle show on netflix


My theory is that the couch potatoes that bad mouth LWR and LWD are just jealous !!.I have yet to find a ADV rider that would turn the chance to do what they did the way they did it !!.
Just my 2 cents !!.

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The Last Cowboy

New member
I cut the cable 3 years ago. What little TV I watch comes from Netflix or rabbit ears.

Look up Cycles South on Netflix. It's a cheesy 70's production, but fun to watch.


Middle Income Semi-Redneck
Maverick, not ashamed to admit we're fellow groundhogs. We just watched both of them about a month ago. We re-upped Netflix for a month to watch the last season of Walking Dead and tripped across them. I'd heard vaguely of them.

Honestly, I thought they were so-so. They could have edited down what I'm sure was hundreds of hours of footage iwith less drama, more traveling and the places. I walked away thinking it was more like Ewan and Charlie's Excellent Adventure.

Just got the Long Way Down book from the library, so we'll see if that's better.


I cut the cable 3 years ago. What little TV I watch comes from Netflix or rabbit ears.

Look up Cycles South on Netflix. It's a cheesy 70's production, but fun to watch.

Cycles South is pretty AWSOME when you consider that nowadays you have to have a $20,000 BMW with $5,000 worth of Touratech stuff on it to do the same thing. !!!.

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Good shows

My wife and I just watched both shows last month and we enjoyed them greatly. In fact, I think that those shows have gotten Mo thinking about getting a dual sport.


I come in Peace
I'm watching it again. It's been a few years since I watched it so I forgot a lot of it. Fun stuff.


BTW- They are fantastic books and no internet connection required. To be honest, I felt the books were better than the movies...

AW crap, I always say that:bike_rider:


The books were good, I got to play with Boorman's front wheel from LWR at the motorcycle shop in Anchorage. LWD is definitely a happier feeling trip


Hey guys, thanks for making this thread.

I've been scanning the forums and found it so I looked up the shows. Watched them both, and even got my parents to start watching them.

After watching I was reminded that I have a license sitting in my back pocket with a "M" stamped on it and I haven't been on a bike in....holy crap 7 years.

Now I'm all over Craigslist looking at a TW200 to ride around on to get some experience again and looking at bigger bikes down the road.

I'm not sure if I should thank you guys or hate you for pushing me towards spending more money. Either way, good recommendation on the show.


In the process of watching LWR for the second time. Really makes me wish I had more free time and money. Hopefully my ride West this summer will sedate the wanderlust a bit.


Found a show on Hulu called Middle Kingdom Ride, two brothers attempting to ride around China on a pair of BMW's, just watched a little bit so far.

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