98 Jeep ZJ "SHTFV"


New member
I have just spent the last 2 1/2 days reading this from start to finish. This is an amazing build. Thank you for all of the info and photos along the way.


New member
Just read start to finish such an amazing job With the zj!! I'm mid way on mine but still have a lot more to do! I love to see the whole family out and about with you and really using your rig as family time that's how it should be :)


Same here just read it from beginning to end. Now my wifes jeep has a ZJ to look up too lol Nice job with the mods and custom ideas...I love the kitchen, i might borrow that idea and modify to my wifes zj.


I have just spent the last 2 1/2 days reading this from start to finish. This is an amazing build. Thank you for all of the info and photos along the way.

Thanks for taking the time to read all the way through! It may as well be a book!

Just read start to finish such an amazing job With the zj!! I'm mid way on mine but still have a lot more to do! I love to see the whole family out and about with you and really using your rig as family time that's how it should be :)

It is the only way to actually get family time these days! If there is internet, none of us can resist checking in for some reason....

Same here just read it from beginning to end. Now my wifes jeep has a ZJ to look up too lol Nice job with the mods and custom ideas...I love the kitchen, i might borrow that idea and modify to my wifes zj.

My wife loves the kitchen area, makes cooking dinner a lot easier when you have counter space! Thank you!

Total inspiration for my build.

So glad I managed to inspire a few people. I know when I lurked this site for a few years before signing up and starting my build, I was very inspired by what I found here. Great community with a wealth of intel!


Grand Junkie
What a hell of an adventure, sure is a ton of fun coming back to this and reading all that's happened.

Sorry about your leg man, but I'm not sorry it got you out more :)

I fly hobby grade RCs when I get the time (still practicing), your company copter is nuts!!


We need a bump-n-updated! Driveway sideXside vehicular comparison test demonstration of sort? Anything new?


Well all... It has been quite some time since I have posted in this thread. I just spent the last week working nights to get the ZJ ready to sell. I never thought I would sell this vehicle, but I am in need of a new project. I am not sure what to a$k for this rig, but it will be a turn key adventure solution for a 3 person family. Simply put gas, food and personal effects and you are off. I'll be working on a detailed ad in the next few weeks. If you are interested in talking with me about this rig, please message me. Thank you to all of you that hung out with me during this build, I appreciated the insights, help and engagement!

Scott G.

PS I recently procured a 1997 Stewart & Stevenson M1083, so I need to make some room. The next project is going to be a little more wild than this one was :)


I think I need a bigger truck!
All good things must come to an end at some point. I am in the same boat... about to put my XJ and trailer up for sale. It is going to be hard to do, but someone could have a nice ready to roll camping and exploration setup while I move on to other stuff.

Thanks for sharing your build thread with us.


I just read through this build for the first time. very educational. I picked up a white '97 Limited ZJ a few months back and have been trying to get all the neglect worked out. Your build is way more than I'm planning, but there were some good tips and tricks I picked up. I particularly enjoyed seeing the well-documented bumper fabrication process. Thanks!

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