72 C/30 - 4x4 Cummins Conversion


This build has been a long time coming. This truck is very special to me, and there are more than a few reasons why.

The first of which starts with a 6lb ball of fluff.


I named him Palex, The back story is ever since I was a little kid I had wanted a German Shepherd, my parents put a dog that I had down and agreed to get me one, but never did.

When I was 25 I bought palex after doing some research and finding a breeder that seemed to have a good offering that was born into what I would also consider a good enviroment, definately a puppy mill by no means.

I paid a good deal of money because I wanted a dog that was smart, healthy, who could live a good long happy life. I feel as though that is what I got.

Fast forward a few years the pup and I wound up out on the road trucking, we visited about 46 states, traveled about 110,000 miles, and had some very interesting experinces. Because I was able to spend so much time with Palex, he was a very well behaved well trained dog, when I got off the road I still continued to take him almost everywhere with me and I never had an issue.

Somwhere along the way I flew out to Arizona and I bought this truck.


the truck is awesome, its a 72, has over a million miles on it, and came with a pretty built 454 in it.

Eventually I would convert it into a welding rig, and I would make some money with it doing a few jobs building gates and trailers and about what ever else came my way.


I did a few other modifications as well, I installed a NV4500 to help with the fuel mileage, and removed the spoiler that was glassed into the back of the cab.


This is one of the last photos I have of Palex, sadly November 12th 2008 some one killed him when he chased a cat out into the street early in the morning. The man was traveling over twice the speed limit (50mph)

It was pretty hard, and kind of silly in a way, but after he died I couldnt look at the truck for a long while.

It didnt help that a guy going down the freeway infront of me lost a piece of steel out of the back of his truck and I ran it over, my front left tire exploded, tore the floorboard out from under my feet, and caused me to take a ride down through the barrow pit.

Lots and lots of miles, and being tossed in the ditch at 65 mph with a welding rig on the back was too much for the truck, the frame tweaked pretty bad.

I took it apart to start fixing it, I was going to rebuild the frame, but as it was, I just couldnt go around the truck with out thinking about my dog.

It is funny how a pet can become such a big part of your life.

Anyways it has been 2 1/2 years and I recenltly sold my daily driver, so now I am needing to get another truck going for myself. I have a lot of parts that I collected over the last couple of years, I now have a Dana 60 front, dana 80 rear, NV4500, NP205, and the Cremdelacrem, a Cummins 12 valve.

I am going to start by constructing a brand new frame from 2x6x.250 rectangular tubing, I will then get the cab stripped down, fix the floors and replace the cab mounts and rockers, then get it all put togeather, plumbed up, wired up and running over the next few months.

The hope is that I will be able to take it from this:


to a 4x4 with a flatbed.

I am also planning on running the 10 lug equipment, and putting 19.5's on it.

The cool thing is, my instructor at school is letting me build many components for the truck for credit, so I can use my school time to work on the truck.

All said and done I think it is going to be a pretty cool rig, probably sunday I will have it in the shop and start pluggin away on it.


Expedition Leader
Well I am happy you have not given up on the old Chevy, Beast. It is a lot of work to convert a 2wd to a 4by4, but somehow I think you have it in you. You obviously have the fabrication skills, and with some hard work I am sure that your project will come to life. Keep us posted with your experiences and lets see lots of pics. I love pics....:victory:


great story bud. this will truely be a great build to watch. i am definitely subscribing!

btw why dont you name the truck after your little buddy... you know put the name on a plaque or a cut the name out of the bed sides with a plasma cutter and back light it.. just a thought

That One Guy

Subfreakin'scribed. This should be great! Sorry to hear about your pup, mine drowned in a ditch behind our house in late 2007, and she can still bring a tear to my eye.


the utility box is strange and interesting at the same time.......subscribed!

The bed was actually built from an old wrecker bed, the truck was originally a wrecker. That is why it has a.... 4.88 rear end!

It was pretty cobbled togeather, When I pulled the truck down to start fixing it I scrapped the bed, I am going to replace it with a flat bed.


Subfreakin'scribed. This should be great! Sorry to hear about your pup, mine drowned in a ditch behind our house in late 2007, and she can still bring a tear to my eye.

It is one of those things that only some one who has experinced it can understand.


A little sneek peak at a piece I am working on, it is an adapter to mount a NP205 to my NV4500


There is one commercially avalable that runs about 600.00 and is made of aluminum, this one will cost me about 40.00 in materials, and will be made of steel.


Just buy a Dodge and save a lot of time and money.

Well considering I have already spent the money to get all the parts for this thing, considering I already have 85% of what I am going to need to build this truck, I think the smart thing to do is to stick with it, verses buying a crappily built truck with a great engine, and hoping that it lasts.

I am building the 72 for a reason, I will not have to do it again any time soon, its going to be rock solid and built right, It is a much simpler truck than a new dodge, and the sheet metal it is constructed from is almost twice as thick.

Id have to shell out 8 grand to get a decent dodge with a 12 valve and NV4500, For that same 8 grand I can pretty well finish this truck. Expecially when you consider that if I buy a dodge, it is still going to need things, it will still cost money.

I have looked really hard at it and evaluated everything, I think going this route is going to be the most adventagous, and will get me the most bang for my buck.


That, and once you have that Dodge.... you would have to deal with ROT issues.... TRUST ME. I hate everything about my truck excpet the driveline... one this cab rots away, I will be stuffing all this under a Suburban.... I am over it... about to be on its 3rd set of front fenders.... its an 01.... I wonder why I went through the hassel of swapping the 12v into it..... oh yeah... I remember....:elkgrin:

Build away man.... and I think I have seen that chevy around CC before... but, not 100%



Sounds like a SWEET project. I have a sweet spot for 67-72 Chevys as my first truck was a 67C20 that I am proud to say I still own to this day.

Fwiw, any adapter from a 2nd gen Dodge NV4500 will work with a 205 as long as its a 29 slpine 205 out of a 1stgen Cummins truck.


Sounds like a SWEET project. I have a sweet spot for 67-72 Chevys as my first truck was a 67C20 that I am proud to say I still own to this day.

Fwiw, any adapter from a 2nd gen Dodge NV4500 will work with a 205 as long as its a 29 slpine 205 out of a 1stgen Cummins truck.

I do know some 205's are direct bolt, but I have 2 of them and neither are, they are both the figure 8, so im making an adapter, and I do like the fact that it is going to be solid steel verses aluminum.

I am also going to get credit for it in school, and it is something that I can throw in my project book to help sell my services, so hey why not right?


What NV are you goin to use?? Chevy, Early Chevy, Dodge, Dodge Diesel?

There is also an Iron tailhousing available too, but if you can build it for cheap and get school credit for it go for it, I'm all about cheap.

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