2nd Gen Tundra On The Move


Hey everyone, this will be my first post here after lurking for a little while.

I just recently purchased a 2011 Toyota Tundra Double Cab 4x4 4.6L with 7K miles for a killer price a few months ago. I moved up from a 2wd regular cab tacoma, so it's a little bit bigger and quicker:bike_rider: So far it has been great.

I will be using this thread as a general build thread and to post the trips that I will be taking. Some of the mods that will take place slowly over the next couple years include re-gearing for 35's, an Icon Suspension kit, ARB rear locker and lower profile rear and front bumpers.

For now though, after slapping on some stock size Nitto Terra Grapplers I decided to head out with the wife for some camping out in Los Padres National Forest. The destination in mind was the San Martin Top. It was a fun trip making it out and testing out the tundra's 4wd for the first time. It was nice, but I am looking forward to slapping a shell of some kind on the bed for a nice sleeping platform in the very near future.

Well, anyways I hope you guys enjoy, and stay for the slow buildup of everything.

Here are some pics from the trip.

Going up Los Burros Road
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Road to San Martin Top
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View from tent
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Welcome to ExPo...


This is not a play on your Tundra's MPGs is it?...:) Welcome to ExPo. You will find a wealth of information here. Nice to see a fellow 2nd Generation Tundra owner. I look forward to your build!




Nice truck, and nice pictures! I've also got a 2nd gen tundra, same truck as yours but grey :) I'll be interested to see what you do with it, I've so far just added a camper shell and am planning to build a sleeping platform.


MojaveMadMan - Thanks Mojave, it was definitely a nice spot up there at the San Martin Top. The only real drawback this time of year would have to be the amount of ticks there are up there. Other than that, it is a hard view to beat.

bigwapitijohnny- Hi Johnny. Lol, I have never thought about it like that, but yeah, I suppose with the mpg's these tundra's get (17mpg avg so far), it could be a play on that. But it actually has to do with King of the Hill. Thanks for the welcome. And likewise, it is great to see a fellow 2nd gen:ylsmoke:

MotoDave- Hey Dave, thanks for dropping in. Awesome to hear about another person with my same truck, as well as another 2nd gen. This truck should be pretty nice when I am done. Obviously it will not be some beastly rock crawler or something to sqeeze down jeep trails, but it should excel for what I have in mind. I need to get a shell on mine like you, I hate setting up a tent.

I am debating between a fiberglass cap and a canvas style like bestops. I am kind of leaning toward the canvas type, since it would be quick to remove for when I am not using it, would be lighter weight, but would still offer better insulation than the tent would.


MotoDave- Hey Dave, thanks for dropping in. Awesome to hear about another person with my same truck, as well as another 2nd gen. This truck should be pretty nice when I am done. Obviously it will not be some beastly rock crawler or something to sqeeze down jeep trails, but it should excel for what I have in mind. I need to get a shell on mine like you, I hate setting up a tent.

I am debating between a fiberglass cap and a canvas style like bestops. I am kind of leaning toward the canvas type, since it would be quick to remove for when I am not using it, would be lighter weight, but would still offer better insulation than the tent would.

I went with an ARE V series with vented windoors on both sides, cab height. The windoors make accessing anyhting in the bed way easier, and now that they offer the vented version you can get ventilation as well without having the whole window open. I had a similar shell on my last truck and only had 1 instance where I needed to remove it to carry a larger load, which could have easily been handled by borrowing a small utility trailer. For my use, having the big secure storage space a fiberglass shell affords is worth it. I question the longetivity of the bestop type canvas tops, although they are convenient.


Willman - Thanks for the welcome Willman, I am glad you will be here for the thread:ylsmoke:

MotoDave - Yeah, I had an ARE shell on my old Prerunner a while back, and it definitely did the job. If I were to get a hardtop I would definitely get the windoors on it. The point of security is definitely a good one though, as any old dude could come along with a knife and be inside of a canvas top pretty quickly. Gives me more stuff to think about.


fowldarr - Likewise man, it's always good to see more 2nd gen's here, seems like are definitely the few.

It's going to be interesting as time goes on to see if my decision to get a full size truck will bite me in the butt, as far as getting out into the backcountry. But it seems like there are a lot of fullsize guys out there, so maybe not.

What are some of the tighter trails and roads you full size guys have negotiated without too much problems? Bonus points if you are another 2nd gen tundra:ylsmoke:


Hi and welcome!

It's going to be interesting as time goes on to see if my decision to get a full size truck will bite me in the butt, as far as getting out into the backcountry. But it seems like there are a lot of fullsize guys out there, so maybe not.

What are some of the tighter trails and roads you full size guys have negotiated without too much problems? Bonus points if you are another 2nd gen tundra:ylsmoke:

Hi and welcome!
Well... as you said a full size are big for some trails, but they are really conformable and a lot of room and power. I come from a Tacoma without any regrets, specially for a family of four and when towing is required :bike_rider:

Here is a picture of my truck in the off-road trails in Rendezvous this year (picture courtesy of Bryon Dorr). In this convoy (9 trucks) my Tundra was the only full size in there and I'm really proud of it.

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I hope to see the progress in your truck and one more time welcome to this big community!



Guri- Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, as you said, it's much more comfortable and roomy than the Tacoma. That was one my reasons for switching from the Tacoma.

Pics look great, I bet it was a great time out there. Definitely nice to see some full size Toyota's in action. I need to find a group of people to go out with, as none of my buddies are into trekking around and camping. Thanks again for the welcome.


Guri- Thanks for the welcome! Yeah, as you said, it's much more comfortable and roomy than the Tacoma. That was one my reasons for switching from the Tacoma.

Pics look great, I bet it was a great time out there. Definitely nice to see some full size Toyota's in action. I need to find a group of people to go out with, as none of my buddies are into trekking around and camping. Thanks again for the welcome.

Hey, I'm looking to go to the DV. If you may be interested take a look at here..

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