1980 CJ7 first Jeep build


Off to the car wash baby!



Took the Jeep to Coffee and Cars for the first time this morning on the trailer, holy moley was that place packed! The last time I went there was hardly 40 or 50 cars there and it was raining, not so this morning.




It was fun maneuvering twenty feet of truck and twenty four feet of trailer through the parking lot with so many folks around.

Was great seeing everyone who made it out, I was/am dead tired because I was up all night doing auto cad so don't mind me if I was a little out of it :homer:
nice build. If you are still in the mind set to do the Renegade graphics when you get that far Collins brothers in your great state has them and more. Probably knew that though but I didn't see you mention where you were going to source it.


nice build. If you are still in the mind set to do the Renegade graphics when you get that far Collins brothers in your great state has them and more. Probably knew that though but I didn't see you mention where you were going to source it.

Yeah I am very familiar with them. I try to buy from other sources though because they are always on the expensive side. Some stuff though they are the only guys who have it.


In the last couple of days I finished painting the frame, got the new fuel lines installed and got the body mounts finished up:



The rear mounts were a real mess this is how I fixed em:


Made a pair of plates out of 1/8" plate:


Of course this meant having the tub up on its side as well.


Then sprayed all the bare areas with undercoating.



Then put it all back together:



And I got a little artsy:



Expedition Leader
Very cool.......that is a big step right there! It feels so good when mockup is done and you can roll it out into the sunlight....


Very cool.......that is a big step right there! It feels so good when mockup is done and you can roll it out into the sunlight....

I was up at 4am sitting behind the wheel just smiling from ear to ear.

There is still a lot to be done, but the next time I blow it apart it will be to paint it but before I do need to get the rocker knockers and side armor and get them put on it.

Right now the big push is I am moving back to Montana Tuesday. So that is going to be a stead high speed burn to get everything packed up and out of here.


It has been a long time since I have posted here.

I had wound up taking a job back home in Montana shortly after this so I packed everything up, closed down my shop and moved back home.



The job didn't work out, and I went back to truck driving for a while and the jeep went into storage.


Then I got out of the truck, bought a sailboat, and went crazy with that! Spent the last 4 1/2 years living on the boat, and recently took a job that is allowing me to get back to work on the Jeep.



So recently I pulled the Jeep back out of storage...


And I drug it down to where I am working in Colorado and just ordered a 9" full floater rear for it.


I already had the Dana 44 housing narrowed by cutting 6" off the drivers side and moving the spring perch, still need to get the shaft cut.

And yesterday I landed a set of Ford 5 lug outers, which I have to get bored out to fit the bearing cups for the Jeep bearings. And that means that pretty quick I should be able to get the new axles built and installed, then get new drive shafts ordered.

Once that is done the list of things I need to get it running isn't that long, specifically going to need to get a fuel tank, I want to keep the YJ side swing tailgate so the filler needs to stay on the drivers side, that probably means ordering a custom tank.

Need to call Gen Right tomorrow and see if they can build a 20 gallon CJ7 tank with a drivers side fill.

Then I will need to get a hydraulic clutch and slave cylinder, that will get the clutch hooked up.

Then it's just a matter of attacking it with a rattle can, getting the Radiator and wiring harness installed and welding up the top of the dash for the defroster vents and it will be ready to run.

Everything under the dash is going to need rebuilt, and none of the gauges work so that is also going to need replaced.

Feels good to be back into working on it again. Can't wait to get out and drive it! Hopefully will have it ready to do some cruising this summer! >:)

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