1980 CJ7 build


Willing Wanderer
Run to the post office, go get pizza, go to the hardware store for a bolt for the Jeep...
OMG this is the best thing I've bought in years.

I get it. I have one with a pickup bed and it's the most used vehicle on the property! BTW, I love the military style build and the windshield idea is genius! I wish I'd have done an OD paint scheme when I built mine! Maybe next time. It is green though......


Been a while, but I finally got back out in the garage for a bit here a week ago, then again today.

Had to redo the brackets for the stacks. Figured I'd need some thicker steel once the mufflers came in.



Mounted the finished front bumper yesterday. Still have a couple more holes to drill, and paint of course, but it's starting to look like something. The flags are removable, and I'll only run them occasionally. I have reflective stickers made for each. An American flag for one, and an L Troop 3/2 Cav guidon for the other to match up with the bumper numbers I'm using. (VII 2-CAV L-27) This is to represent the very first tank I was ever assigned to at the very first unit I was ever assigned to way back in 1981...
Posed shot.jpg

Yeah, that's me in the driver's hatch... lol.

This will be my "27" now.



Also did some work on the windshield wipers. The 5 ton wipers are WAY too long for the narrowed and chopped deuce windshield, and had to be shortened, so I used the ends of the CJ7 wipers to do it. This also gets me the ability to use somewhat modern wiper blades.



On tonight's instalment of build a CJ7 in your garage... we install the running boards.
Wait... They don't make running boards for CJ7s, just body armor.
Well, if you're a fat old retired cripple, you're gonna need a way to get up in the thing.


Measure twice... cut (or drill) once. As you can see by the markings, I caught myself just in time.
As you can see, I also didn't make sure to have enough of the right size bolts before starting.
Then I waited til the hardware store was closed before figuring that out...


Underneath, they go to the body mounts like the ones you can buy.
Oh, that "Measure twice... cut once" thing? Yeah I wasn't thinking about that when I had the welder fab these up for me. I have to move 2 of the body mounts for the YJ tub, so those 2 are off... lol. More welding to follow I guess. Well, they have to come back off for paint anyhow.



I'm gonna be needing a bit more to make this a user friendly vehicle as a daily driver for an old cripple, so I took a folding step and mounted it to the driver's side running board. It fold down, and pins in place for me to climb in, then up and out of the way when not needed. Normally these are found on the front bumper of an M54 5 ton truck to allow troops to climb up and perform engine maintenance. Also fabbed up a mount for the 20mm ammo can center console.




I've managed to get a few things done over the last week. I know, it seems to jump around like I'm working with out a plan. That's only because I'm not. I go out to the garage, and it's what can I do (or do I feel like doing) today?

I managed to change over from the JY strikers to the CJ ones, and check to make sure the doors will work. They do. The fit isn't 100% perfect, but they open, and close. The fun part will be making everything work with the top...

Also painted the inside of the tub then mounted the 20mm ammo can that will serve as the center console. 2 bolts to a bracket I made, and 2 more at the rear through the floor. I can still cram stuff under it if I want, and I most likely will.

Holly sniper fuel pump with filters got mounted to the frame in preparation for the running of fuel lines, and wiring harness.


Then I decided to jump into the wiring harness. Just tired of looking at the box sitting there on the shelf I guess.
Sure hope I don't run out of Amazon zip-ties... lol. Need a new grommet for the rear of the tub though Tried to use the firewall one Painless includes for the older model Jeeps... different size.



Since I started in on the wiring harness, I figured it was time to get the dash done. Still had some holes to drill for switches, mount the data plates for that military look, and figure out fan / heat controls & the defrost ducts. Still working on how to control the flappers for the heater, but I used CAD (carboard aided design) to make some ducts for where the YJ style defrosters come through the dash. Then they will go to some 900 series 5 ton splitters and (hopefully) onto the windshield good enough to do the job. Not done with the whole dash yet... but a few steps closer.



Then I got sidetracked, and decided to fix the front fenders where the spot welds were off on the back edges of both inner fenders. You can see from the boogers that my novice welding with my little old 110v flux core welder looks like Ray Charles did it with his feet, but I did manage to stick the metal together. (at least for now) This is why I have enlisted the services of an actual welder for those things when it counts.



Decided it was time to fit the roof rack on. It will require adjusting because it came off a modern Jeep, and light mounting tabs welded on as well. The wife (teacher) had some high school kids over to weld the tabs on the front bar to the roof rack, and grill. I have 3 sets of Rigid pod lights for the roof rack, and a set that will shine out from the where factory turn signals where. Also made up some tabs to go on the front bumper for military turn signals. These kids are just learning, so there boogers aren't any better than mine, but it's practice, and they earned some of their required "government hours" by helping a disabled veteran do some work around the house. Also, it's light mounting tabs, so it's not like there's gonna be any high stress to them. Two helped me on the Jeep, and two more did garden work for the wife. Used the golf cart to take the back section to a local machine shop to be shortened. That welding has to be strong. Lights go on the outside edges, and I kept the center of the rack open so I can carry a canoe.

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