100,000 miles


American Adventurist
Pardon me but I'm tech challenged and still swap CD's and use XM... this device will plug into my OEM 2001 Tacoma head unit without disturbing my XM Commander and then I can use an IPOD?


Well-known member
Pardon me but I'm tech challenged and still swap CD's and use XM... this device will plug into my OEM 2001 Tacoma head unit without disturbing my XM Commander and then I can use an IPOD?

As I understand the instruction booklet that came with the device....yes. The supplied radio cable has a "Y" adapter that allows the device to plug into the back of the radio, and allows the CD changer to plug into the "Y" adapter (neglect this if you don't have a disc changer). The device itself has auxiliary inputs for satellite radio.

daverami said:
The USASPEC works great. Have one in my 06 Tacoma.

Oh by the way, nice truck Jim!
Thanks Dave!


awsome read, i had the same IPOD holder untill some ******** stole my truck and everything in it, now i havent been able to find a replacement :( not to mention the $2000 worth of tools and fishing gear that got ripped off.


Well-known member
A lot of people are out having a good time this time of year....some are wheeling, some are camping, some are taking family portraits, or having kidneys removed, or whatever twisted bit of fun they have.

For us, this is the time of year for work....it's not too hot out and you can get a lot done. That also means the DD Tundra gets it's share of work too. This year it's the back yard/patio area. Some of you have seen it and you'll be delighted to be able to actually gather around the fire pit next time you're here.

This idea for adding this to the thread got started on IZVERG's Shoe Creek thread, so I thought I would keep showing all yall what's what with the stone wall.

We had to move a lot of dirt by hand, lucky for us that's all it is, dirt. No rocks, roots, or any other tragically painful things to dig up. We used three pallets of PA field stone to build this wall. You've all seen this one so far but this is where we really started to see the new patio taking shape.


This gets the truck thread involved, because, as a truck it gets hauling duty. All 3 pallets got loaded (half a pallet at a time) into the truck and moved to where they were needed.


Well-known member
That wall was nearly finished in a day. Since, we've managed to build the rest of the walls for the patio area (that's 4 more pallets of stone; all moved with the truck.) And we've got the patio roughly leveled to our 4 inch below grade stage.

The rock you see in the foreground is the top of the wall in the previous picture.


And a second angle

This weekend it's spreading out the stone dust, tamping said dust flat and level, and laying the 24x24 pavers. Those bad pieces of aggregate are a nasty 90 lbs each; so if anyone's feeling young and strong and bored to tears; you're welcome to join the party and lend a hand with the pavers!


The truck got involved in the paver move, too. The delivery driver couldn't get his truck down the drive, so we had to offload them into my truck on the street, drive them down the drive, around the house (in the rain) and stack them. We loaded 20 at a time; the first time I nosed into the backyard and had to turn around, running the truck up the greasy clay mud slope before I could back around to the right place.

It's not Georgia mud (unless Georgia mud is like Indiana clay...in which case it's very similar to Virginia mud), but it's clay; it's slimy (you can't stand on the slope without sliding) and it weighs your shoes down. With 1800 lbs of pavers and mud flying up the slope; when I got stopped and out I got one of my best compliments ever from the delivery driver...."Dude! I will never bad mouth another foreign vehicle ever!"

The Cooper ST's are way better than your average AT tire in the mud.....
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Well-known member
Dear diary:

I had a major upset today. My truck had a major malfunction. I was driving to work as usual. It was a cool morning, so I reached over to turn the heat up, switched the thing to "defrost"...and the defrost knob broke off in my hand! It was so upsetting, I was really out of sorts at work. I was able to "field" fix (or rather parking lot fix) on my lunch break though. I don't know how Toyota has managed to keep a reliable reputation by using plastic parts. I do feel better now, though. I took some pictures of the offending piece and the repair.



Maybe it's time to rid myself of the beast before it falls down around my ankles.



Well-known member
One last thing, I have managed to install some 12v outlets for the kids electronic devices. There were none in the back seat area, so we've alway had to reserve one of the three dash outlets for the kids stuff.

I wired two outlets under the edge of the seat. They're out of the way, but still quite useable.



Appalachian Ridgerunner
The wall looks great! Can't wait to spend an evening BSing the evening away on it once its done. We'd be there to help if it weren't for Michelle working this weekend, but never fear for the old man is heading down tomorrow. Ain't to many young bucks that can out work that old lumberjack!

I don't know how Toyota has managed to keep a reliable reputation by using plastic parts....Maybe it's time to rid myself of the beast before it falls down around my ankles.

See, now I feel betrayed, as I bought our Tundra on your recommendation and the history of your truck. And now it's doomed to failure six or eight years or another 110,000 miles from now. I should have got that Titan! :sombrero:

Scenic WonderRunner

That's cool Jim!

I built a wall like that out of black Lava Rock at my house in Hawaii. Nature left it there for me!

At the end of the wall I put the largest rock, as a sitting rock.

I had an Awesome view of Molokai and the Molokai Channel. I could even see the lighthouse at night.

It's a special feeling, using the land.



Well-known member
Skid Row skidplates

I've been wanting some sort of armor for quite a long time now. I've tried to be really careful, but I know someday my luck will run out and I don't want to be plugging my trans pan with JBWeld hoping it will hold til I get home.

I invested in the transmission skid and transfer case skidplates from SkidRow. I wish the provided bolts were a little more streamlined, they'll do for now. The plates themselves are solid, easy to install and pretty black, just like the truck. Plus, it's one of those mods you never notice unless you're looking for them....my kind of mod....unnoticeable to the public eye....yep still looks like a Tundra.





Appalachian Ridgerunner
Niiiice!!!! :drool:

Quit posting up cool mods...it's hurting my Jeep fund as money keeps getting directed towards the Tundra.

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