07 Off The Leash Adventure Xterra


Thanks. I had to splice the ARB harness into the stock wires. I still have to adjust all the new lights. Yes, the ARB fog lights have horizontal adjustment with a set screw. Pretty cool I think.

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Thanks. I've always liked the look of the Xterra myself. It has a kind of purpose built tough look to it I think.

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I love it when a package arrives at work. My new Scepter jerry cans and water can



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Started in on stage 2 of my dual battery setup. I had to move some things around to get the room to squeeze the dual Deka's in, but they do fit. It is now beer o'clock in the afternoon, so I done for the day. I should be able to have the brackets and hold downs fabbed up tomorrow. I have the T Max dual battery controller installed, and the wires are run to the battery area. Finishing the wring will be Stage 3, of not tomorrow then at some point this week.

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Dave Kay

Been looking at lots of bumpers myself lately and this one a Yep--- the ARB bumper looks very enticing. Thought about a second battery for my rig but from the looks of your dual batts mounting I don't believe my 2013 will have the room. Mine has that hydraulic-fluid/power-steering canister where your second batt is located. Did you have to relocate that by chance?

BTW: Thanks for the great write ups~!
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Yeh, I liked the looks of the ARB a lot when h started looking at bumpers, DJ that's what she ended up wearing.
I did relocate the power steering reservoir to its current location. It's not an overly difficult procedure. There is a good write up that I followed in thenewx forum.

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I was able to finish up this dual battery project today. I spent a few hours fabbing up the metal frames to hold the batteries ( this is where years of my youth spent tinkering with Meccano has paid off). I had to figure out a hold down bracket that was stepped as the batteries are in two different levels. Once I had that sorted it was a case of mounting the solenoid and wiring up the TMax dual battery control. At the end of the day it all seems to work just fine. I'm pretty stoked I was able to figure this all out.

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Changed the front pads and rotors last night. It sure needed them. I installed rotors and pads when I bought it 3+ years ago, and since then she's pulled our 4K pound travel trailer to Oregon twice, along with multiple local trips into the mountains, never mind all the daily driving.

We are heading out into the hills this weekend for a much deserved weekend getaway. I have a nice remote spot picked out overlooking the Similkameen River to camp for a couple nights. I am going to put my feet up, crack a cold one, and read books for the duration.....can't wait.



Hey liking the X! Looks great and ingenious idea for the battery trays. Hows the system holding up so far?


Hey liking the X! Looks great and ingenious idea for the battery trays. Hows the system holding up so far?

Thanks. So far, so good. This weekend will be a test of the aux. battery capacity. I have two 80odd watt solar panels and a controller at home that I'm going to project up into a portable solar system (for use with the Xterra and our travel trailer). I have a smaller 40 watt portable solar panel and controller I could take with me this weekend too I guess)


Right here, right now. To me, what it is all about. ( just an iPhone snapshot of our weekend camping spot. Somehow I have cell service up here. I'll post a trip report when we get home, for now I hope this does the job. Back to R&R for me)

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