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  1. David*BJ70

    Escape to Anticosti Island - This large island in the center of the St-Laurent golf course

    Again ! You read the title «2019» and think I procrastinated! :unsure: Well, you are right ! Hope you enjoy to read it ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Winter 2019, on a sunny Sunday afternoon, my wife and I were staring at the...
  2. David*BJ70

    Québec - Labrador - New Founland and Atlantic provinces - The Big Loop - August 2018

    Yeah, you read the title «2018» and think I procrastinated! ? Well, you are right ! Here is a jorney that I wrote for the TLCA magazine which appeared in the Toyota Trail magazine of March-April 2019. Hope you enjoy to read it ...
  3. David*BJ70

    Alu-Cab Gen 3 water into under channels

    Since I have my Alu Cab Gen 3 (July 2020) I noticed water accumulation into the under channels (well, in lack if better word...). Fast start and quick stop, after rainning, made water leaking out the channels under the tent. Still ... quite a lot of water. I knew water was interning because...
  4. David*BJ70

    James bay trip ... with a little delay!

    Hi group! I am a francophone from Montreal who already has several thousand kilometers of overland to my credit! I have been a member of the forum for several years too (since 2013 !). I speak English very well, but I rarely write long text, especially at a technical level where I let people...