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  1. DiscoNels


    FYI: I sold my TF skid plate to a friend who installed it with a CFE bumper, he just needed to cut a little off the top. It looks great. Hope this info helps you.
  2. DiscoNels

    LR3 Lower Control Arm Kits

    Speaking from experience on my 2006 LR3. I converted to 100% orange Polybush back in 2015, uppers, lowers, sway bar bushings, everything. I run two sets of tires; my winter tires on low profile 20" wheels, and my 32" mud tires on 18's. Pretty harsh ride with the lower profile 20's but very firm...
  3. DiscoNels

    Land Rover VIN look up?? Topix, VINDECODERZ Not working ??

    My experience is vindecoderz only showed detailed information for LR3's not LR4's. Or, if I'm not remembering correctly, it was hit and miss with LR4's.
  4. DiscoNels

    Best quality replacement LR3/4 front lower control arms

    After owning my LR3 for the last 8 years and trying different arms and bushings. I would have to say stick with the Meyle HD, or go with RRS arms as @tdhunter13 stated above. Stay away from Poly bush all together whether it's the stiff Orange or the softer Green. They simply aren't flexible...
  5. DiscoNels

    LR3 sun roof Rattle

    Got a link to the details for this trail fix? Mine drives me nuts too and I would welcome some quiet time.
  6. DiscoNels

    Land Rover LR4 Ox Hitch

    I'll take it 2nd if he falls through.
  7. DiscoNels

    Discos going Solar.

    TexasTJ Take a look at the Traxide dual battery charging system. Lots of options based on your individual needs. It's the no-brainer you've been looking for and is used and...
  8. DiscoNels

    [SOLD] - ARB Fridge Freezer - 50qt with accessories - $700 Minneapolis, MN

    SOLD to RKRUGER locally. Great to meet a fellow adventurer. Enjoy!
  9. DiscoNels

    [SOLD] - ARB Fridge Freezer - 50qt with accessories - $700 Minneapolis, MN

    Selling my gently used ARB fridge freezer - 50qt. This was installed inside my Land Rover and only powered on during long adventures. Used a couple weeks each year for the last 4 years. Only used 2 days this year 2020. This fridge will run on AC in your home or garage (so you don't have to go...
  10. DiscoNels

    LR3 upgrades options what to do

    You're going to love the LLAMS, I've got it and use it almost daily, it's a solid system. Regarding skid plates, if you were to add just one plate, I would add a Tactical 4x4 gas tank skid (or equivalent). I installed mine in 2013 and it is completely beat to ******** saving my gas tank from...
  11. DiscoNels

    GAP IID Tool Guided Suspension Calibration issue

    You don't need to put it in tight tolerance mode, the guided calibration takes care of everything for you. Get in, make adjustments at each corner, get out. Done!
  12. DiscoNels

    LR3 Tie rods???

    I've pretty much always replaced the inner and outer at the same time. If you only do one end, it's only a matter of time before the other end wears out and you'll be right back in there to replace that, and you'll need to align the wheels (AGAIN). My LR3 eats tie rod ends like M&M's.
  13. DiscoNels

    How to Bleed a 4.4 Cooling System?

    You'll probably have to keep monitoring the coolant level each day or as it cools down and top it off as needed. After a week of driving it should settle in somewhere. The top T-bleeder valve (under the engine cover, near the front of the block) is a good place to dispel air in the system.
  14. DiscoNels

    NAS LR3 build with an overseas twist

    I have the same set up as you (minus the NOCO) and want to share my experience with you regarding wiring the solar panel directly to the AUX battery. I have the USI-160 traxide system, not sure if you have that one or the SC80. The solenoid is designed to work with the charge coming from the...
  15. DiscoNels

    Air suspension and Alignmets

    An alignment is highly advised once you settle on the desired daily driving height as the wheels lean in/out depending on the height you drive at. You can take it to any reputable wheel alignment shop, but be sure to ask if they have experience with LR's so you know they can handle the job.
  16. DiscoNels

    LR3 block heater

    I live in Minnesota where the winters get cold. Last year we had a polar vortex whip through and the temps were around -25F (-32C) or colder and my LR3 could handle it no problem. Sure things go a little slower but it never lets me down when it's that cold. Save your money for maintenance or fun...
  17. DiscoNels

    F.S. Pro-quip 22 liter water Jerrycan (brand new)

    Interested if it's available.
  18. DiscoNels

    Back in a Rover again, mild LR3 build

    Tactical 4x4 makes a transfer case skid plate for $575 (powdercoated). I've got one sitting in my place never-used in the box I'd like to get rid of some day as I decided I don't need it for my build. I'm located in Minneapolis, MN.
  19. DiscoNels

    275/65r-18 BFG KO2 on LR3?

    My mistake, they're not 50mm spacers, they are 30mm (1.25"). When you lift these vehicles the track width gets pretty narrow so, 30mm to give it a better stance (I don't like tippy), and the look is better too.