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  1. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Thanks mate, I take it that is across the board over the complete range of uses including just the small bitumen bumps/chop?. I am reasonably satisfied with the stock shocks besides on bitumen choppy stuff. Jim
  2. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Jamie, If I could bug you once more regarding the king shock's. I have been waiting for the right pajero to come up for sale and now it has I own one and I am now deciding on my suspension. So could you elaborate further on the comfort level of the kings compared to stock. I am old so the only...
  3. W

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Thanks mate looks good(y). jim
  4. W

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Hi mate what is your wheel size and offset/back spacing? jim
  5. W

    Seeking Advice on stock 2007 Fuso FG suspension questions

    As said above, check those components for wear. If none is found I would say it is your king pin pre-load is to light. Jim
  6. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    I can understand there logical thinking. Keep us updated on the axles mate, very interesting. Jim
  7. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    Hi Jamie, I have been in contact with total chaos to ask if they would consider building a long travel kit for the front end. I haven't received an answer. Just wondering while you were there with your vehicle was that ever asked or considered? Thanks mate. Jim
  8. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    I am sure your right;). jim
  9. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Any further updates mate, how are the shocks and arms performing? jim
  10. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    Good to see people getting out and about again in this crazy year. Jim
  11. W

    2003 Montero with Lovells Springs and Koni Shock Lift

    The adjustment is rebound only. jim
  12. W

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Thanks mate interesting they went so much higher spring rate. jim
  13. W

    Post your Mitsubishi Pajero Pics

    Can I ask what are the spring rate's that King settled on for front and rear? And out of interest do you know what the spring rates are from standard? Jim
  14. W

    WTB-Heavy duty rear springs and shocks 3rd gen

    Are you talking about kings Australia or King America, I am pretty sure Criscosta was talking about King Australia. King Oz should not be much different in price from ARB, maybe over there but in oz they are about the same or kings probably a little cheaper. jim
  15. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Your car continues to impress mate, it just looks right! wolfy
  16. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Good point about being able to upgrade to DSC if you were going to go with adjusters I would definitely go DSC also. wolfy
  17. W

    So you want to put King shocks on a Third Gen Montero...

    Agreed, adjusters are never found on off road race cars. Once shocks are tuned correctly they are not needed. 95% of adjusters in the type of shocks we use are only compression adjustable so they do have a small usable effect with reasonably large changes in weight, other wise yes they are set...
  18. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    Very well done mate, that's an extremely good looking Montero/Pajero ?? Jim
  19. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    Sounds Good I have been hatching a plan for longer arms another way, but people like total chaos have been doing it a long time there way for a good reason. I had thought sway-away may have been able to make some custom axle shafts I haven't asked yet though. Jim
  20. W

    Monty the 3rd Gen Montero

    Great pictures, looks like you have a bit more droop on the front. Do you think total chaos could also make lower control arms from the measurements they took off yours, or were they only looking at the upper arms? jim