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  1. A

    Trip to the northernmost point of any continental mainland

    About destination: • Cape Chelyuskin (Russian: Мыс Челюскина) is the northernmost point of any continental mainland, and the northermost point of mainland Russia. It is situated at the tip of the Taymyr peninsula, south of Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, in Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. • Cape...
  2. A

    Volvo TGB1312 with portal axles

    I am considering to sell one of my Expedition Volvos. RLTGB1312 A MT with Land Rover 300TDI diesel engine. Anybody interested? More info: This is very rare model with two separate rooms . Back room was just sleeping room, having 3 bunk beds. Now there is one large partly foldable bed. Front...