How to avoid frozen clutch?


New member
I have to leave my 2007 Fuso FG140 parked for the next two months while I attend to some family matters. In the past I have dealt with the frozen clutch if left for more than a few weeks. Looking for ideas to avoid the clutch rusted on to the flywheel. I have a gut feeling that a block of wood holding the clutch pedal down slightly may have consequences such as busted seals, weakened springs.

Any suggestions as to how to avoid the frozen clutch?


New member
i would recommend an attempt at the clutch arm. at the tranny itself. and bypass an attempt to "wedge" thereby putting the master cylinder into full longterm use. I havre a 92 and am sure it is somewhat different. I too endured the dreaded clutch weld. my father left it parked over wet soil drainfield and when he gave it to me it went straight to a wrecker and to a moron mechanic. (middle of nowhere 1200 miles from my home) needless to say an expensive lesson. but on mine the slave cylinder can be removed or disconeccted and wired engaged with some good bailing wire. beware you will have to (at least on my model) bleed the clutch but way cheaper than dropping the transfer and tranny to fix and faster and cheaper than blowing out a master cylinder and tweaking some springs. good luck hopefully yours is as accessable


How bad are they sticking after only a few weeks? Aren't you able to just drive it with the clutch depressed until it breaks free again? That's what I've always done.


I would guess an inferior clutch is the problem. Try a different brand of clutch.
Every clutch and flywheel out there, for the most part, has bare iron and or steel components by design. The best clutch is the world might still get rusty and stick. It's more about where you park it in my experience.

Mickey Bitsko

I have to leave my 2007 Fuso FG140 parked for the next two months while I attend to some family matters. In the past I have dealt with the frozen clutch if left for more than a few weeks. Looking for ideas to avoid the clutch rusted on to the flywheel. I have a gut feeling that a block of wood holding the clutch pedal down slightly may have consequences such as busted seals, weakened springs.

Any suggestions as to how to avoid the frozen clutch?
Any suggestions from the manufacturer?
Maybe it's brand specific..?


New member
Thank you for the replies gentlemen.
javajoe79 I'm not sure how to "drive it with the clutch depressed until it breaks free again". If I have left it for weeks, with clutch depressed and engine running, putting it into 2nd stalls the engine harshly, that's when I go through the routine of jacking up the back axle...
I do have more problems in the spring with the wet ground, perhaps a sloped tarp on the ground may keep the moisture away from the clutch? SkiFreak are you in a dry area?


Start it out of gear to let it warm up. Then restart in gear and get rolling down the road. When you find a safe place, step on the clutch and rapidly step on and off the throttle. It’ll usually pop the clutch free pretty quickly.


Well-known member
Thank you for the replies gentlemen.
javajoe79 I'm not sure how to "drive it with the clutch depressed until it breaks free again". If I have left it for weeks, with clutch depressed and engine running, putting it into 2nd stalls the engine harshly, that's when I go through the routine of jacking up the back axle...
I do have more problems in the spring with the wet ground, perhaps a sloped tarp on the ground may keep the moisture away from the clutch? SkiFreak are you in a dry area?
Your problem is not normal. I'd question the clutch itself, is it metalic??? We have rescued vehicles left in fields for years with frozen engines, added oil, used a bar to crank it over a week later and never had a frozen clutch issue. I say metallic clutch lining because 30 years ago metallic competition brake linings gave us grief if the parking brake was left on in the off season.

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