Which new 1 Ton Diesel would you buy?


I just got back from a 3000+ mile road trip and the fastest big trailer haulers without a doubt are duramax's. I was cruising the speed limits ie 80mph and duramax's flew by me pulling big 5th wheels like I was standing still. I never got passed by RAMS or Fords just Duramax's....I went from Western Montana to South East Minn thru both dakotas and Wyoming and I noticed a lot of new RAMs doing utility type work ie fires, oil/gas and agricultural type stuff. By far tho more GM trucks pulling big camp trailers and 5th wheels and seemed like Ford HD was hauling more slide in campers.

^ That just proves one thing...the Duramaxes are being driven by youngsters driving like idiots. GM pulled out of northern Nevada years ago but there are still some on the roads and invariably the drivers are young and drive like they have something to prove. All the "working" trucks around here - on the ranches and mines - are either Rams or Superduties.


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^ That just proves one thing...the Duramaxes are being driven by youngsters driving like idiots. GM pulled out of northern Nevada years ago but there are still some on the roads and invariably the drivers are young and drive like they have something to prove. All the "working" trucks around here - on the ranches and mines - are either Rams or Superduties.
I am going 63yoa and I swear they usually looked older than me, but could have been the meth at play.
The fanboy BS in these threads is over-the-top. It's likely best to ignore people who say "everyone" and "all of the trucks." It's not so black and white.

I do construction work. I've been running GMC for the last few trucks; both gas and diesel. Great trucks. My trucks have done thousands of miles offroad, heavy towing, heavy hauling. No major issues or problems with the IFS over hundreds of thousands of miles.

Most of the bigger companies buy whatever they get the best deal on. My local utility district bought a bunch of GMC trucks this last round, and Ford before that. Every truck has its pros and cons.

Right now, it's more about availability and pricing. Both are horrendous around here.

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