JK130 | Custom TDI Diesel Parallel Hybrid Jeep Wrangler with composite camper build.


Active member
Well, the engine is running on the test stand.

Here is a YouTube link:

TDI BHW running on test stand

I bought oil, filter, diesel, and some hose to get it running: $50

Feels good to have it running and know that the ECM reflash went correctly. I am now going to focus on the adaptor.

My cross-town move is complete, and so I can spend time back at the garage again. Back to making progress.
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Active member
Wow, it fired right up - that's great!
Does that little engine have glow plugs?


Yep, it has a set of glow plugs; but they aren't connected to anything right now. (warm day in Florida, I didn't bother connecting the glow-plug relay)

The ECM has a wire that trips the glow plug relay, and the relay feeds power to the plugs. I think that the ECM decides when it needs the glow plugs based on the oil temp sensor.

I plan to also have a pushbutton that will allow me to trip the glow plugs manually, that way I can keep them lit longer if I have to do a particularly cold start.

The engine did start quickly the first time, but the video was my second start.

I first purged all the air I could get out of the fuel system, but I had to crank about 20 seconds before I saw white smoke, and then it took off.

Not bad for having not been started in almost a year (pulled it out of the car in July of 2020).


Active member
I spent yesterday doing more measurements and mockups.

I decided to make the adaptor plate with provisions to be able to mount one of the two e-torque motors to it, but to hold off on actually mounting the second motor until I do some experimentation with the one mounted to the front.

That way I don't paint myself into a corner, but have the flexibility to add a second if needed.

So I am feeling good about progressing on the adaptor.

download.jpgI ordered a B&M 45195 precision shifter on ebay (slightly used) for $400 the seller is a new member, so slight risk, but we will see.
Photos look good, looks like it was installed, but I see no wear, and it comes with original manual etc., so I figured I would save $150 and get it used. I always choose used for things that aren't consumables if I have the choice.
I have the usual JK 'pops out of 1st gear' problem with this transmission, so I have wanted to buy one of those shifters for a while. I hope it fixes the issue.

Back to the garage tonight!
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Active member
Minor recordkeeping update-

Ordered a 5th Mammoth Boulder rim for the spare tire. (new this time)
Also ordered a set of new lug nuts, as the old ones are pretty worn.
Also ordered a 5th tire to match the others.

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New member
I spent yesterday doing more measurements and mockups.

I decided to make the adaptor plate with provisions to be able to mount one of the two e-torque motors to it, but to hold off on actually mounting the second motor until I do some experimentation with the one mounted to the front.

That way I don't paint myself into a corner, but have the flexibility to add a second if needed.

So I am feeling good about progressing on the adaptor.

View attachment 657533I ordered a B&M 45195 precision shifter on ebay (slightly used) for $400 the seller is a new member, so slight risk, but we will see.
Photos look good, looks like it was installed, but I see no wear, and it comes with original manual etc., so I figured I would save $150 and get it used. I always choose used for things that aren't consumables if I have the choice.
I have the usual JK 'pops out of 1st gear' problem with this transmission, so I have wanted to buy one of those shifters for a while. I hope it fixes the issue.

Back to the garage tonight!

Your gonna want this. https://whitbreadperformance.com/products/nsg370-shift-rail-guide-plate


Active member
Well I bought a plasma cutter.
I tried to go cheap and just use abrasive tools to make the adaptor plate, but I finally decided to order a plasma cutter.
It will be nice to have, I probably should have done it at the beginning of the project. I am working on other parts of the project until it comes.


Active member
Very minor update;

Sorry for the slow updates lately, I have been working on the adaptor, and some body work, but still not much to show for it yet.
I will be in Oregon for a few days this week, so I won't get a lot done this weekend; but in project related news; I ended up not getting the B&M 45195 precision shifter that I ordered from EBAY; as the seller never shipped it. Oh well, it happens when you deal with new sellers.

So I got a refund, and will probably order again when I see another deal pop up.

So I will deduct the $400 from my expenditures tally. Slightly annoying, but oh well.

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