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  • I have a chance to buy a grandby and I looked at your build but have a question hopefully I can explain . The rear of the camper where it goes from 48 to 60 it hits where tailgate shuts. If I can cut the plywood making another step in like 2 on each side , is it only plywood thT I have to deal with? I don't need to make the entire piece that small or is there metal wall tied to it? I have a truck camper so I know the outer wall is on the outside. And on this model I think that's the same and there is just plywood to deal with. I'm a carpenter so no biggie for me it's just hard to pass on this in north east . Thanks for info
    I'm up in Loveland, just south of Fort Collins. I've seen a few FWC on trucks around here and it looks to be the ultimate go-anywhere camper setup, so I've been looking for a while for one and finally found one.
    Where are you in Colorado?? I am up in the Vail Valley down in Denver a lot to see friends and family and in GWS to kayak during the season
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