Pandemic impact on vehicle prices: what do you think?


Active member
Lots of factors. What do you think? Not many out shopping now so demand is down. But then there are few trade-ins. Maybe the slack will be taken up by internet sales using photos and videos. What is happening with Craigslist sales?


Expedition Leader
I'm in the market for a new truck. My lease is up July 1 and I think I will be buying a new truck. Most dealers are offering 0% on top of 6k-10k MSRP which is attractive. My job is stable as is my wifes so I am not too worried about it.

But also might find a used lease return to buy, lease another vehicle or buy an older truck for cash... given the uncertainty of the economy I'm going to do what the best deal is.

As far as CL- I've seen too many "rare" and "I know what I have" posts trying to get top dollar for their project or toy they've put too much money into. The really awesome CL deals are still a month away I'd say.


Expedition Leader
New car sales will have nice factory incentives higher end toys for the most part are owned by people that can probably weather a month or two of rough times they’ll just wait it out and sell later or won’t need to sell.

The RV thing there will be screaming deals give it was way over produced before the C-19 mess and many RV types rent to own and never own them so that world is imploding on a scale that will be remembered for the next 40yrs.

Real estate still hasn’t shown a sizable hit in hot areas they are simply just waiting it out.


perpetually lost
I keep waiting on something to bring the prices of used vehicles back down to reality. I dont know who you people are shelling out 60+% the cost of a brand new vehicle on something with 150k+ miles, but there are enough of you to way over inflate the value of these 10+ year old vehicles.


Expedition Leader
I am absolutely convinced that an out-of-control meth addiction is a requirement for both buyers and sellers on Craigslist.
haha I love me some CL. I have found so many expensive things for cheap. I bought a "fake" rolex for $50...It was not fake at all. If you know what to look for, CL is actually an awesome place to find treasures.

One time about 6 years ago I searched "old Toyota" and found an FJ40 with no rust and a Chevy 350 in it that didn't run for $2500. Put in some new gas and some plugs and it fired right up.


Expedition Leader
I keep waiting on something to bring the prices of used vehicles back down to reality. I dont know who you people are shelling out 60+% the cost of a brand new vehicle on something with 150k+ miles, but there are enough of you to way over inflate the value of these 10+ year old vehicles.

Especially Toyotas in the southern CA market. 4 year old Taco or T4R is 5k less than what you'd pay at the dealer.


Well-known member
I'm considering selling the Porsche convertible that I custom-ordered brand new four years ago, and I am so not looking forward to having to deal with all the tweakers...
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As far as CL- I've seen too many "rare" and "I know what I have" posts trying to get top dollar for their project or toy they've put too much money into. The really awesome CL deals are still a month away I'd say.

Is it just San Diego CL?

The sellers I deal with range from the typical swap meet seller to someone cleaning out unused stuff. I have run into a lot of businesses cleaning out there old inventory or equipment.

Selling a trailer or vehicle on CL brought out the scammers and low ballers, now they just go to the auction.

I have only run into one tweaker.

What are you shopping for that you run into the tweakers, so I can stay away from those products


Well-known member
I'll give you $1500, CASH

Just toughin ya up in case you CL it

It's more like they offer $1,500 cash (that they don't have), an ounce of weed (well, almost an ounce), and a '94 Oldsmobuick with no wheel covers...and no title...and no VIN...


I just sold my '68 Bronco. I overestimated the negative effect that the current situation had on pricing. There has been a lot more trucks pop up for sale in the past few weeks. But for the right vehicle, the market is still pretty strong.


I'm considering selling the Porsche convertible that I custom-ordered brand new four years ago, and I am so not looking forward to having to deal with all the tweakers...View attachment 580218
In my experience the type of calls you get is directly related to what you're selling. I think you'll be OK, tweakers don't have porsche money. When I sell Xterra parts on craigslist the people who respond are typically nice, intelligent and so far honest.

When I was selling my Ninja a couple years ago, however - I only made it through 2 days of waking up to all the 3:00am "I love your bike and I'll give you $500 right now" followed by the 3:30am "I guess you're a $%^#&#$^ who #$%&#$ little boys" responses. Lucky I turn my phone off at night and never list my number. After 2 days I took it to a consignment shop and gladly paid that guy a couple hundred bucks to deal with it. Actually made money on that bike.

Anyway your Porsche looks like a great Bring a Trailer candidate, those guys are still spending money.

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