Cross country trip rifle?


Expedition Leader

Mine looked similar to that but the older style butt on it. The hinge/lock mechanism is plastic and it has some play in it. I imagine if it was actually used much it'd only get worse over time.

rgallant- that shotgun would be considered a Short Barreled Shotgun (SBS- barrel <18" and a stock) here and would require a tax stamp ($200). Most states allow them though once you obtain the stamp. Additionally you have to file paperwork with the ATF when you want to take it across state lines; not hard, just a ridiculous bureaucratic hurdle they make you jump through. It's the reason the Mossberg Shockwave and the Remington Tac-14 have become popular- they are workarounds to the inane laws we have regarding firearms. They are considered "firearms", not shotguns, despite the 14" barrel, since they have an overall length of 26" or greater. They must be built on a virgin or pistol grip only receiver that has never had a stock on it and they must meet the overall length requirements. There is also another classification known as "any other weapon" which allows for things like cane guns, the Serbu Super Shorty, pen guns, wallet guns, etc. About as clear as mud.


I would make sure a folding stock is legal in the areas you will pass through.Having to abandon a vehicle with a long gun in the truck is something to think about,wrecks happen.
I put a Weather Guard Pack Rat in my truck.


Getting ready to hit the road...Colorado to Michigan. Definitely bringing a handgun, not sure which one...G19 or HK45...? How many of you take a rifle while traveling the interstates? Worried about Illinois! Only rifle I can fit in my bag is a SCAR-H. Thought about a shotgun too, but I would need a bigger duffle. Let's hear your words of wisdom. Thanks
Why worry about Illinois? Just keep it unloaded in a case and your ok here.

On a side note, I carry a 1911 every day at work. When I travel or camp I usually take my glock 20, aka 10mm or a smith air weight in .38. I never drag a long gun with me on travel, too hard to lug around safely and I don’t want to leave something in my truck and risk it getting stolen.


Explorerinil....Only concerned about Illinois because of the brief reading I did online...After sleeping on it a few nights I've decided to keep it simple and just bring a handgun. Thanks again for the responses. Happy trails...


I'm pretty sure some states (to include IL) won't allow out-of-state handguns without the proper permitting.

If you're doing a lot of interstate travel, I would leave the handgun at home and bring a shotgun or bolt-action rifle purely for reasons of legality.


I would go 300 blk pistol (as long as you have a secure space) with sub and super rounds for different uses. Plus, whichever handgun you're more comfortable with (me it's my G19). If you end up with just the handgun carry a decent load-out. Have a safe trip and always be vigilant.
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Well-known member
I'm pretty sure some states (to include IL) won't allow out-of-state handguns without the proper permitting.

If you're doing a lot of interstate travel, I would leave the handgun at home and bring a shotgun or bolt-action rifle purely for reasons of legality.

In Illinois: A non-resident may transport a loaded concealed handgun in a vehicle if they have a valid CCW permit in their home state. They cannot under any circumstances remove the firearm from the vehicle. If they need to exit the vehicle they must lock it or place the firearm in a locked container. Any ammunition needs to be stored separately.

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In Illinois: A non-resident may transport a loaded concealed handgun in a vehicle if they have a valid CCW permit in their home state. They cannot under any circumstances remove the firearm from the vehicle. If they need to exit the vehicle they must lock it or place the firearm in a locked container. Any ammunition needs to be stored separately.

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Firstly, I would not rely on a 3rd party website for legal advice and information. I would talk directly to IL state authorities to confirm the law of the land...straight from the horses mouth rather than hearing someone's interpretation of the law. More than a few visiting people have gone to jail for failure to comply with state handgun regulations.

Secondly, I don't know what good the OP's hadngun will be if it is locked away in his vehicle 24/7.


New member
AR pistol with red dot in 7.62x39 or .300 Black Out with your favorite handgun close by. I carry a G27 or G20/29 depending if there are bears near by.


Well-known member
Firstly, I would not rely on a 3rd party website for legal advice and information. I would talk directly to IL state authorities to confirm the law of the land...straight from the horses mouth rather than hearing someone's interpretation of the law. More than a few visiting people have gone to jail for failure to comply with state handgun regulations.

Secondly, I don't know what good the OP's hadngun will be if it is locked away in his vehicle 24/7.

Firstly, if you look at the website and then go to the states' own legislation, they quote the legislation straight from the states. USCCA is perhaps one of the most respected national firearms rights associations. With membership they also provide legal advice and representation from attorneys who are experts in their respective states' laws.

Secondly, the law is the law - if he doesn't like it, he doesn't have to go to Illinois. Unfortunately no Constitutional Carry law will pass Congress any time soon.


Firstly, if you look at the website and then go to the states' own legislation, they quote the legislation straight from the states. USCCA is perhaps one of the most respected national firearms rights associations. With membership they also provide legal advice and representation from attorneys who are experts in their respective states' laws.

Secondly, the law is the law - if he doesn't like it, he doesn't have to go to Illinois. Unfortunately no Constitutional Carry law will pass Congress any time soon.

I have read some of the stated rules for my state (NY); some are just plain wrong, often because they are misinterpreting the laws which they reference or they reference the wrong laws entirely. So if you want to take USSCA's word at face value, do so at your own peril. They are an advocacy group; they are not legal scholars.

I agree, he doesn't have to go into IL. I'm just pointing out that not all states are friendly to out-of-state CCW.


Well-known member
I have read some of the stated rules for my state (NY); some are just plain wrong, often because they are misinterpreting the laws which they reference or they reference the wrong laws entirely. So if you want to take USSCA's word at face value, do so at your own peril. They are an advocacy group; they are not legal scholars.

I agree, he doesn't have to go into IL. I'm just pointing out that not all states are friendly to out-of-state CCW.
Examples of incorrect interpretation?

Per their mission statement, "The USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) is a membership organization that provides self-defense education, training and legal protection to responsibly armed Americans like you."

Since legal protection for members is on their dime and would run several hundred multiples of the membership fee, don't you think it's in their best interest to accurately advise their members and the public?


Examples of incorrect interpretation?

Per their mission statement, "The USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) is a membership organization that provides self-defense education, training and legal protection to responsibly armed Americans like you."

Since legal protection for members is on their dime and would run several hundred multiples of the membership fee, don't you think it's in their best interest to accurately advise their members and the public?

They advise that the magazine limit is 7 rounds for NY and that you're forbidden from taking your CCW firearm onto state land lands...both are patently false.

It doesn't matter what their stated objective is. If you get caught violating a state firearms law, its your butt on the line, not theirs. Don't rely on other peoples' research for legal advice. Do your own research.


You all can carry whatever you want but if I carry a long gun, so far, it's either been a shotgun (Remington Wingmaster) or 10/22 (the Takedown on a Magpul Backpacker stock is a good choice). I leave the ARs at home.

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