Missing in Baja - Update Feb 10th. Located/All is well.


Park...if you haven't done so, you might consider posting this on americanadventurist.com
No doubt there is much member overlap between the two websites but it can't hurt.


Park so sorry to hear this. I love it down south and have had some great times down there. Praying this is nothing more than a broken or lost phone.

Have the police (US) been called yet? Also does the truck by some off chance have Lojack? I would imagine that if the family filed a missing person report to PD that they would be able to try to have his phone pinged to at least get a GPS signal and/or pull cell records to see if any calls were made after that chat with you.

Wayne is a Canadian citizen and his sister has notified the RCMP which in turn has notified the consulate in Mexico. Truck does not have Lojack. His phone goes straight to voicemail. Numerous attempts have been made to contact via phone. I was the last person to receive a text msg which occurred on the 17th of Jan. Wayne is very close to his sister and stays in contact with her on a regular basis when cell phone coverage is available. After talking with her she stated to me that there is no way Wayne would go this long [25 days] without contacting her unless something was terribly wrong.


Sad to hear hopefully all is well.

You said the last known location was Loreto. At that point was he camped or on the move?

Not sure other than he was in Loreto. We had been in the backcountry and were in Loreto to resupply and clean up. Just south of Loreto I decided to not stop and put in some miles as I was headed to the border. We would normally only stay in Loreto for one or two nights before heading off somewhere else. I'm sure when I got the last text he was either still in Loreto or preparing to leave.
I just sent this to some friends who have been in Loreto or several weeks. I'm headed down crossing in Tecate on the 15th, I'll keep an eye on this thread till then.


I come in Peace
We're heading down on 2/21 for a week. I plan to travel some of the back country from Bola to Mulege and some back country day trips out of Mulege. I'll be keeping an eye out for him.

One reason I don't head out without my inReach on and tracking..
We're heading down on 2/21 for a week. I plan to travel some of the back country from Bola to Mulege and some back country day trips out of Mulege. I'll be keeping an eye out for him.

One reason I don't head out without my inReach on and tracking..
I'll be in the same area 2/16-2/20 or so deep in the dirt between San Rafael and Mulege. If he is around there then, or came through there, I'll post up as soon as I have service.


I’ve never been happier to see a pic of two total strangers. Tomorrow I’m ordering a Garmin InReach and possibly creating an IG account or at least rescinding my request to my wife about deleting hers.

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